The Knight Rider Methodology to Software Development with Eli White

The Baltimore/Washington PHP Meetup Group
17-18 Feb 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Columbia, US

As all children of the 80's know, Knight Rider was a story about an otherwise 'normal' law enforcement officer who through the use of Technology (KITT) becomes an unstoppable machine. In this talk find out how programmers should be using technology/tools to make themselves better and more productive.

For the February user group meeting we have Eli White presenting! Eli will be giving his presentation "The Knight Rider Methodology to Software Development" that he gave at CodeWorkd 09, PHP|TEK 09, and ZendCon 08.

Eli White is a PHP Coder, author, and speaker who is currently the lead developer for at Hii Def Inc. His past work includes the Community Relations Manager for Zend, and a PHP Hacker at In his off hours, he writes more code, plays Xbox, and does Medieval Reenactment in the SCA (including archery, armored combat, brewing and woodworking).

We are meeting in our normal location, at our normal time. Pizza and soda are provided by OmniTI. Come hungry with your PHP hats on. I hope to see everyone there! The last meeting had a fantastic turn out and the room quickly filled up! Come a few minutes early (Not before 6:00) to get a good seat!

We’ll also be heading out for a few drinks again after the presentation. Last time people got lost, never made it to the bar, etc. The original bar we picked was packed, so we ended up going to another close by location. We’ll make sure to organize this better this time so these problems don’t happen, or at least are minimized.

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