A new year brings new requirements for getting ahead online, learn how!

Greenville Webmasters
22-23 Feb 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
Mauldin Library , Mauldin, US
5.0 USD

I'm looking forward to seeing everybody at our first Meetup of the new year, Monday, 2/22 @ 6 p.m.

We have a max limit of 9 members for each meeting at the Mauldin library's small conference room for now, but we will adjust accordingly in the future if necessary.

Expect to hear a little of everything for our 1st meeting this year: from evaluating your business plan with today's online social environment, to branding your company and distributing it via a a fast-loading website with few distractions and plenty of calls to action!

I will adjust topics according to input from attendees, so nothing is 'written in stone' initially. By the 2nd meeting though, expect to be in workshop mode so you get the most benefit out of it.

Feel free to fire away with topics you'd like to hear about so we'll be sure to cover them too!

btw: I wish our 1st Meetup date was sooner, but the library is swamped right now for some reason. I know some of you were looking to get things started already, so if you need to ask something specific, wish to talk on the phone for a few, or even meet up before the 22nd, just let me know.

See ya'll soon!

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“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” - Niels Bohr