Business opportunities from semantic technologies with author David Siegel

The Toronto Semantic Web Meetup Group
2-3 Mar 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Toronto, CA
10.0 CAD

Announcing a new Meetup for the Toronto Semantic Web Group!

What: Roundtable discussion on business opportunities and implications from semantic technologies with David Siegel, author of the new book Pull: The Power of the Semantic Web to Transform your Business

When: Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Price: CAD 10.00 per person

Where: Center for Social Innovation
215 Spadina Avenue
Toronto M5T 2C7
(416) 979-3939

The Semantic Web is opening up new business opportunities, by making it possible to extract, link and process information based on its actual meaning. In this session, we will be joined through video skype by David Siegel, the author of Pull: The Power of the Semantic Web to Transform Your Business, to animate a roundtable discussion on how the semantic web will change business, which applications offer the most potential (is it advertising, social media, data integration, knowledge management, others?) and which ones might turn out to be dead-ends.

Come with your ideas and questions. This will be a lively session with audience participation and discussion.

About the book: "A seminal work on the semantic web and what it means for business." - John Doer, Partner, KPCB

Book Blog
Greg Boutin's blog review of the book

Tweet this event! (Tweet it even if you're not attending)!

David Siegel is an author, consultant, and investor focusing on the future of technology, the Internet, and business. Always on the cutting edge, David is credited with being one of the first entrepreneurs and designers in the emerging web site design business, designing his first site in 1993. He started blogging in 1994 (before the term was invented) and started one of the first web-design and strategy firms in the same year.

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