WMUG User Group Meeting 13th May

Windows Management User Group (WMUG)
Tue, 13 May 2008, 18:30 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Microsoft Ltd , Reading, GB

When: Tuesday 13th May 2008

Where: Memphis, Building 3, Microsoft, Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 1WG

Time: 18:30 – 21:00


18:15 - Registration

18:30 - Welcome

18:35 - System Center Overview
There’s more to System Center than Configuration and Operations Manager. In this session Paul Collins of Microsoft will provide an overview of the System Center Suite with the emphasis on Configuration and Operations Manager.

19:15 - Break including food

19:45  - Best of the MMS 2008
Unable to attend the Microsoft Management Summit in Vegas? In this session David Scambler and Gordon McKenna who attended the Summit will present a summary of the key points.

20:30 - Open Q & A

20:45 - Topics for next meeting, potential dates, SWAG prize draw – we have some awesome SWAG to give away, from copies of TechNet to copies of Windows Vista !! Don’t miss it...

21:00 - Close

To Reguister for this event click here. Closing date for registration 6th May 2008.

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