EIGRP theory and configuration

SoCal Cisco Router Gods
Sun, 21 Feb 2010, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Panera Bread Company , Pasadena, US

Ahh EIGRP, some people love it, some people hate it, but whatever your feelings... it's a topic on Cisco tests. In this meetup, we'll cover the theory and configuration of this proprietary protocol.

A note to the members, many of the questions asked in our meetups are answered simply by watching the videos in the YouTube channel. While I try my best to help you out during the meetings, you will get much value if you study and watch the YouTube videos before the meetings.

Also be advised that we will have a 2-month long break in meetings from approximately mid-March to mid-May. I will be in Thailand for a long vacation and do some final studying for my CCIE lab.

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