Triad Web March Meetup

Triad Web Meetup Group
17-18 Mar 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Greensboro, US

Web developer, social media crusader and devoted web meetup member, Zeus Ibarra, will be leading our next presentation, Blogging 101. You'll leave with a better understanding of blogging and the resources to help you start blogging. Here's the breakdown of what he plans to touch on.

I. What is Blogging

* History of Blogging
* Evolution
* Social Media
* The Citizen Journalist

II. Platforms

* WordPress
* Blogger
* Joomla
* Twitter
* Tumblr

III. Blogging/Microblogging

* Personal blogging
* Business blogging
* Blogging tips for beginners

IV. WordPress

* Install
* Theme templates
* Plugins (Favorites)

V. Web Analytics, Metrics, etc

* Tracking (Google Analytics)
* Conversation (user signups, products, etc)
* Social Media measurements
* Newsletter, eblast (MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, etc)
* Hubspot

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