Open Government Chicago Planning Meeting

Open Government Chicago(-land)
Tue, 2 Mar 2010, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Chicago, US

There's been a whirlwind of exciting activity in open government, and several new people have joined the Meetup and the mailing list since our last get together.

To capitalize on all this energy, I'd like this meetup to be very specifically focused on converting Open Gov Chicago from a bunch of people with common interests into a group with a core leadership and a mission. I'm particularly interested in the idea that we could organize a Chicago Metro area City Camp which is more outcome oriented than the January event at UIC. If we can leave this meeting with an idea of what that should look like and how we'll achieve it, I will be very excited.

We are grateful to the Metro Chicago Information Center for hosting us. Please note that their basic space is limited, so your RSVP is very important. If we have a larger number of people, we should be able to arrange for a larger space, but we need accurate and timely information about who plans to attend.

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