June Groovy and Grails Meetup!

nlgug - Groovy and Grails User Group Netherlands
Wed, 2 Jun 2010, 17:00 - 19:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Baarn, NL

Another meetup!!!!! I lost count, so let's just call it the June meetup, generously sponsered by VX Company! What's in store for this evening? Well, everybody who couldn't make it to the Gr8Conf in Denmark will get a chance to taste a little of the good spirit at the Gr8Conf!

Hubert Klein "Goodness" Ikkink and Sebastian Blanc (yet, the iWebkit guy ;-)) will tell us what we've missed, make us jealous, and will certainly entertain us with some good stories. So this is your cheapest way to experience some of the Gr8Conf, so be sure to not miss it!

18.00-19.00 Food + Welcome
19.00-20.00 Session 1 - TBD
20.00-20.15 Small break
20.15-21.15 Session 2 -TBD

Hope to see you all there!!

Greets, Erik Pragt

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“The greatest performance improvement of all is when a system goes from not-working to working.” - John Ousterhout