Kohsuke Kawaguchi talks about Hudson, Distributed Builds, and Selenium

San Francisco Selenium Meetup Group
Wed, 23 Jun 2010, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Those who attended the meetup at Mozilla may recall our tease that we were working on arranging a special speaker for the June meetup. Well, the wait is over!

We are delighted to announce that Kohsuke Kawaguchi, creator of Hudson, will be our presenter for the June 22 meetup at StumbleUpon. Come learn about the integration options between Selenium and Hudson, and hear what Kawaguchi-san and the Hudson project have planned for the future. Bring your questions, enthusiasm, and appetites. Pizza and beer served as usual :-)

Many thanks to the folks at StumbleUpon for hosting this #SFSE meetup. Just to note - there is a limit of 75 attendees, so sign up early!

6:30: Registration, networking, pizza, beer
7:15: Welcome, Agenda Overview, Announcements, Introductions
7:30: Kohsuke Kawaguchi talks about Hudson, Distributed Builds, and Selenium
8:15: Q&A
8:45: Wrap-up; networking
9:15: Lights out

Kohsuke Kawaguchi talks about Hudson, Distributed Builds, and Selenium
Hudson is an open-source CI server that supports distributed computing and lots of extensions. It also works well with Selenium. In this presentation, Kohsuke Kawaguchi, creator of Hudson and founder of InfraDNA, will discuss the various integrations between Selenium and Hudson. He'll also highlight some of the Hudson features that are relevant, discuss typical pitfalls, and share what InfraDNA is planning for the future.

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