Selenium Sprint: What do YOU want to hack on?

San Francisco Selenium Meetup Group
Sat, 5 Jun 2010, 21:30 - 23:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Have an interest in catching up on Perl Binding, Hudson Integration...anything? Want to connect with other developers who think that hacking away on a weekend sounds like fun? Then join the Selenium Sprint at Sauce Labs this Saturday!

This is a great opportunity for folks who are interested in contributing to Selenium. And, as an added bonus, Simon Stewart, creator of WebDriver, will be on hand ALL THE WAY FROM THE UK to join in, answers qs, etc.

From Simon himself: "I going to hack until either we get everything done, I'm too drunk to code, or the last caltrain would leave without me. :)"

If you plan to sprint in person (vs hacking from IRC), please reply to this post with your FULL NAME so the security guard will let you in the building and we can get enough food, beer, music. Sauce Labs' office is on the second floor. Ask for Steve Hazel. See you Saturday!

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