JS.Chi - Upgrading to jQuery

Chicago JavaScript Meetup Group
Fri, 25 Feb 2011, 00:30 - 02:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Chicago, US

How to Upgrade your app from Prototype to jQuery without your boss knowing - Keith Norman.


As SproutCore puts it: "In short, we believe jQuery has become a nearly standard library of the web.  In many ways, it is no longer just about one project but really belongs to the web as a whole."  So, jQuery has won, however many of us work on Rails projects that are on Prototype still and your PM won't give you any time to upgrade because they don't see the business value.  Here's how to make the jQuery switch as seamlessly and quickly as possible.

Keith Norman (@keithnorm) describes himself as a web developer, fixed-gear biker, other bad ass stuff.


Lightning Talks:

BIG, DUMB, and LOUD: Leaning From My Mistakes - Justin Love (@wondible) is an organizer who has spoken at JS.chi before, as well as other user groups and conferences.  He'll be sharing a few insights about how to be awesome with slides.


Firefox 4 Developer Tools: Console and Workspace - David Dahl (@deezthugs) works as a Firefox Engineer at Mozilla and blogs at http://daviddahl.blogspot.com/


Your talk here - Lots of lightning talks add some spice to the evening.  Contact the organizers if you've got something to share.



6:30 20-30 minute talk

7:00 Free pizza and beer courtesy of Enova Financial

7:15 Lightning Talks

8:15 OReilly JavaScript Book giveaway


8:30 Head over to Elephant & Castle Pub for drinks and networking


See old talks at http://javascriptchicago.com



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