Health 2.0 STAT - February 10, 2011

Plan to join us the evening of Thursday, February 10, 2011, for Health 2.0 STAT created by Aquilent, at the Barking Dog in Bethesda, MD, to hear a rapid-fire series of short presentations from several Health 2.0 leaders. The presentations will be followed by a panel style Q&A session, led by a moderator that will facilitate and explore a range of topics. The presentations will highlight results associated with the innovative implementation and use of Web 2.0 based solutions in the healthcare market, at government agencies, and from a patient and user perspective. Registration is open!

Topics and Speaker Bios:

1) Don’t Worry, Be Appy!

My Dietary Supplements, or MyDS, an iPhone and iPad app from the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, allows you to keep a convenient mobile record of the dietary supplements you take. You can then easily share this important information with your health care providers to help decrease the potential for interactions between dietary supplements and prescription medications. Jody Engel will review how MyDS was developed by the federal government and what problems had to be overcome. She will also discuss the cool features that are “hidden” inside the app and what is being planned for future versions. You’ll learn the whole story. In five minutes.

Jody Engel, MA, RD, a nutritionist with the Communications Program at the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), works to improve efforts to provide consumers with reliable, science-based information on dietary supplements. Jody focuses on translating the science for the general public by developing and updating educational materials and the ODS Web site, presenting information from ODS to consumer-based groups and health professionals, managing the ODS nation-wide exhibits program, and expanding and promoting ODS outreach projects. Jody initiated and lead the ODS effort to design and develop a free ODS iPhone and iPad app called My Dietary Supplements (MyDS) to give consumers an easy way to track the dietary supplements that they take and to learn about dietary supplements.

2) How was used for the Apps for America competitions

The Obama administration is pushing the US government and contractors to be more open and transparent, and to do a better job of sharing data with the public. This is trickling down to a number of agencies and programs. The World Bank is currently sponsoring a competition to make creative use of its data, at The health community has a tremendous opportunity to apply the same principles on data transparency so we can collectively measure results, demonstrate impact, better measure results. New technologies make it much easier for organizations that produce data to release it in a way that can be easily linked and aggregated with other data sets. Ultimately, we are moving toward the creation of a “cloud” of structured and tagged data that can be used for M&E, visualization, and other purposes, across the internet. This will also enable a wide range of innovators to aggregate, repurpose, mash up, and otherwise leverage domestic & global health data on the internet, and to make it more accessible to professionals and citizens. The health community can begin to incorporate data visualization and unique uses of data into the sector more proactively. This presentation touches briefly on the innovations that have come out of Apps for America competitions using data from, and shows several innovative, real-world, relevant examples to inspire creativity across programs & organizations in both domestic & global health.

Suzanne Rainey is a senior strategist at Forum One Communications, where she has worked for eleven years with a variety of organizations focusing on health, education, international development and online community.

3) is a community-based website hosted and developed through collaboration between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the General Services Administration. It is envisioned to be a one-stop resource for all federal datasets pertaining to health and related information. Furthermore, is an exciting new portal where entrepreneurs and citizens can engage with the government in an interactive fashion.

The intended audience for this site is entrepreneurs who want to create applications using federal datasets and knowledgeable citizens who may wish to access federal datasets for analysis purposes. In addition to simply providing links through to federal datasets that pertain to health, the site will also feature a section for blogs and forums to draw in the public. Applications built using the datasets on this site may be displayed as an example through a third-party website hosted by a non-government affiliated group.

The social content on this website comprise of blogs and forums that allow the public to comment on and discuss the evolution of the health data ecosystem as well as individual datasets. The blogs and forums are envisioned to be active community areas where guest bloggers and data set owners are able to converse directly with users. In addition to commenting, users will be able to rate datasets. This will provide benefit for the federal government through insight into the datasets that the public is finding most useful. Over time, the site will be able to modify its content based on the feedback generated by the user base.

Cristian Liu
is the project lead for at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. He joined the HHS a little over a year ago and comes with a background in open source software development and J2EE web application development. Previously, he conducted biomedical and computer engineering research at Duke University related to photonics and swarm robotics.

4) Case Study: Digital Media shown to lead to change in key behavioral determinant in two health programs

In two different online health communication campaigns, one targeting 18-25 year olds promoting screening for genetic diseases and the other targeting a more general audience promoting influenza vaccine, evaluation demonstrated increases in intention to do the promoted behavior amongst the most at-risk populations.

The presentation will describe the digital media used in each campaign, how it was selected to match the communication preferences of the distinct target audiences, the online survey measures that were used to evaluate the effort, and the results.

Carol Schechter, M.A., M.P.H is vice president and director of AED’s Center for Health Communication. She has over 25 years of experience in health communication, behavioral science, and social marketing. At AED, she leads a team of 50 seasoned professionals on communication and marketing projects for clients at CDC and NIH.

5) Shopping For Health, A New Approach To Health Information Dissemination

Every year the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) distributes millions of copies of brochures, fact sheets, resource guides, kits and advisories to professionals and consumers. Topics range from cancer, arthritis, and healthy eating, to substance abuse, and mental health. Consumers and professionals call toll-free lines, are connected to information specialists and obtain the information, treatment referrals, and advice they need. In addition, HHS and other U.S. Government agencies have multiple websites with public education materials available for download. The logistics involved in managing these huge public information centers are complex because they require constant coverage and immediate response in the case of health emergencies.

One agency, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which distributes more than 13 million information resources annually, saw the need to overcome some of the complexity by making information available in an easy-to-order and download way just like the major online retailers. The Agency also saw the need to have an intelligent system that could provide consumer data that would inform program staff about demand and therefore the need to supply new publications or products.

In September 2010 launched. The Store now provides a single point of entry for the Agency on mental health and substance abuse and mirrors a typical online shopping experience. The site was built after considerable audience research use of persona portraits of typical users, development of a knowledge management system and taxonomy that provides vital usage statistics but also makes it very easy to manage new content in a fast-changing health environment.

Kim Fawcett, Sr. Web Project Manager with IQ Solutions, is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) with more than 26 years of experience in managing communications projects–both web and print. As the team lead for the development of SAMHSA’s new Store she has been instrumental in facilitating in-depth user research, persona development, use case development, and the interactive and visual design of the new site. She holds a B.A. in English from Duke University, and an M.S. in Applied Information Technology from Towson University.

Event Logistics

6:00pm - 6:30pm Registration and Networking
6:30pm - 7:15pm Presentation
7:15pm - 7:30pm Q&A
7:30pm - Additional Networking

As always, we want to make sure to give thanks to our sponsors, Aquilent, Sapient, Palladian Partners, and MicroStrategy. Because of their support, we have been able to continue creating some really informative events, as well as, offer some great appetizers and beverages for all that attend the meetup.

You can follow us on twitter @DCHealth2_0

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