Attend a "Workplace Performance" presentation by Jason W. Womack MEd, MA

Ventura Ventures
Thu, 17 Feb 2011, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Ventura, US

On February 16th, Jason Womack will share 3 ways you can save time, collaborate more effectively and get more of the right things done at work every day. Professional productivity needs to be more than making to do lists; now is the time to understand the productive process and experience what Jason calls, "The Performance Mindset."


Immediately practical, you will gain an understanding of how working styles affect teamwork and how you can most effectively focus on the Most Important Things to make more progress, in less time than you thought possible.


Jason is the author of two books on productivity and is currently writing his third book, "Your Best Just Got Better: Achieve Your Personal Best In Every Aspect of Your Work and Your Life"


Find out about Jason at: Workplace Performance Advisor and Productivity Expert. Published Author and contributor to Training Magazine.

Jason works with executives and leaders to improve their productivity to new levels serving clients in technology, aerospace, insurance, government and social sectors. He helps clients build organizational systems and implement strategic best-practice behaviors to focus on  priorities, manage change and successfully plan for the future.


Mastering Workplace Performance (MWP) Seminar Series


Many clients schedule quarterly Workplace Performance Seminars to incorporate best practices in the context of highly interactive workshops. These programs provide participants with practical strategies they can implement immediately.

Our custom presentations enhance personal effectiveness for each individual to achieve objectives and implement time management skills and habits.

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