Gone are the days of developing just for desktop viewers. Whether its tablets, games systems, or the exploding smart phone market developers have never been more challenged to make a site "work" across a
dizzying array of resolutions. What's a good code monkey to do?
Coined by Ethan Marcotte just last year, "Responsive Web Design" promises to be a solution. RWD is about best leveraging your existing website assets to create a beautiful experience on screens from 320x240 to 1600x900 (and beyond). In this presentation Matthew Reinbold will present what Responsive Web Design is, discuss how its initial client-side implementation has some drawbacks, and show how we
can leverage the power of ColdFusion to create an elegant hybrid client AND server-side solution.
Goodies provided by Adobe and Apex Systems. Food provided by Apex Systems.
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Matthew Reinbold is founder and Creative Principal for Vox Pop Design, a web application development company. Currently on contract with Cricket Communications, his past work has been used by Adobe, FedEx, and the Oregon Department of Agriculture. A long time ago in a state not so far away Matthew graduated with a BS in Computer Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology. Later, from Utah, he got an MBA with an emphasis in emerging technology business. In his free time he enjoys fantasy football and the works of Shepard Fairey; both pursuits that don't leave much time for long walks on the beach.