February 2011 Austin Flash Meetup: Flash Builder and Illustrator Presentations

The Austin Flash Meetup Group
Fri, 25 Feb 2011, 01:00 - 03:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Austin Java Company , Austin, US

Come join our February 2011 Flash Meetup at the Design Center of Austin.

Learn how to Power your Flex App with ColdFusion or PHP presented by special guest speakers Daniel Short and Keith Casey.

Watch two guys make fun of each other while they hook up a Flex front end to both ColdFusion and PHP. See the differences in how both ColdFusion and PHP make hooking your data up to Flex ridiculously easy.

Our second presentation is for you designers. Roman Villarreal will have a presentation on Illustrator & Flash CS5 Tips and Tricks. This will cover how to create artwork in Illustrator for use in Flash for interfaces and animation.

We hope to have some swag and refreshments.We have some new comfy chairs and a big ass screen for your enjoyment.


Parking is free.

This building is a group of businesses in a complex called Penn Field; located behind Opal Devine's and Expose on South Congress.

Look for Lumenbrite Training in Building C.

When you enter Penn Field from South Congress, you will need to drive all the way to the last parking lot at the back of the complex. Parking is free. We are located inside of the Design Center of Austin.

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