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Studenckie Grupy .NET
Warsaw, , Poland
What is this Meetup's purpose? Who should join? Why?
Polish Ruby on Rails Developers Group
Bielsko-Biala, , Poland
This group is here to get the Ruby developers together with each other. This group is entirely devoted to Ruby and a bit to Rails. We hope to increase the number of meetings by gathering more developers.
Kraków, , Poland
Krakowska Grupa Developerów .NET skupia osoby zwiazane z technologa .NET z Krakowa i okolic. KGD.NET jest najstarsza w Polsce grupa zrzeszajaca specjalistów .NET.
The Wroclaw Lean Meetup
Wroclaw, , Poland
The aim of the group is to provide possibility to exchange knowledge and experience concerning Lean and Agile Software Develpment methodologies. Everyone interested in Agile/Lean and concepts like Scrum, Extreme Programming, etc is welcome.Celem grupy jest wymiana wiedzy i doswiadczen dotyczacych metodologii Lean/Agile Software Development. Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych Agile/Lean Software Development oraz metodykami Scrum, Extreme Programming i innymi.
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New members in Poland
- Ale Ows joined 22 days ago
- Novice Asking joined 4 months ago
- Derek911 Xxx joined 6 months ago
- Olga Bińczak joined 8 months ago
Latest discussion Poland
C# hook in flash app in browser
10 years ago by ziemas (0 replies)
- how to iterate over Session objects?
11 years ago by moorthistays (1 replies)
Delphi and BDE?
11 years ago by konikula (1 replies)
call external method with version no....
11 years ago by belial (0 replies)
WinGDB - Linux debugging under Visual Studio
11 years ago by WinGDB (0 replies)
How could I create software release notes in Trac?
11 years ago by stefani (0 replies)
participants urgently needed
12 years ago by kwdowiak (0 replies)