Agile Toolkit: ADP West 2012 - Karl Scotland - Visual Management and Kanban

Agile Toolkit

Karl and I chat about Kanban and Visual Management.  For those listeners who are familiar with my podcast you will know that Visual Management on physical boards is a topic that I am personally interested in and love helping my clients with.Karl thinks about kanban boards with the following a.

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Episode synopsis

Karl and I chat about Kanban and Visual Management.  For those listeners who are familiar with my podcast you will know that Visual Management on physical boards is a topic that I am personally interested in and love helping my clients with.  

Karl thinks about kanban boards with the following acronym T.I.P.

  • Token - The representational piece that moves through the process, different types may be used
  • Inscription - Graphics and words on the card representing what needs to be done
  • Placement - Where it is within the process and the space of the board

Enjoy the podcast.

-bob payne

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