Parallel Studio

This article was originally published in VSJ, which is now part of Developer Fusion.
The newly launched Intel Parallel Studio is a suite of products for Windows developers to create, debug and optimise applications targeting multicore processors. It aims to help achieve the two most important goals of parallelism: correctness, i.e. that the developed application runs predictably on multicore processor systems, and scaling, i.e. that application performance increases as the number of cores available increases.

Designed for use with Visual Studio it addresses the development lifecycle from the design stage, through coding and debugging to verification and tuning and includes:

  • Intel Parallel Composer – to help add parallelism to Windows applications more quickly and with better scaling using an advanced compiler and libraries.
  • Intel Parallel Inspector – to help find errors faster through the analysis of code for threading and memory errors.
  • Intel Parallel Amplifier, an intuitive performance analyser and tuner to find bottlenecks and help tune applications to scale.

Intel Parallel Advisor Lite, a plug-in for Intel Parallel Studio available at no additional charge from enables Windows developers to determine where adding parallelism would be most beneficial for existing source code.

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