Prentice Hall PTR
Books by this publisher
Core JavaServer Faces (3rd Edition
Published 10 years ago
by David Geary, Cay S. Horstmann, Prentice Hall PTR
JavaServer Faces is a Web application framework -- similar to Jakarta Struts -- that gives application developers access to custom components that facilitate the creation of rich user interfaces. JSF also provides Integrated Development Environment (IDE) vendors with a standard upon which to base their IDEs. In the Core tradition, this new book aims to be THE tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who need to learn this exciting new technology.
SOA with .NET (The Prentice Hall Service-Oriented Computing Series from Thomas Erl)
Published 10 years ago
by Thomas Erl, Prentice Hall PTR
“Explaining the intersection of these two worlds--service-orientation and .NET technologies--is exactly what this book does. Its team of specialist authors provides a concrete, usable guide to this combination, ranging from the fundamentals of service-orientation to the more rarified air of .NET services in the cloud and beyond. If you’re creating service-oriented software on the Microsoft platform--that is, if you’re a serious .NET developer--mastering these ideas is a must.
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide (2nd Edition
Published 11 years ago
by Mark Cade, Humphrey Sheil, Prentice Hall PTR
The #1 Java enterprise architect certification preparation guide - now thoroughly updated for Sun's brand-new SCEA exam - Authored by top Java architect Mark Cade, the lead developer and assessor for Sun's new SCEA exam - the exam covered in this book - Covers every exam objective in detail, with challenging sample questions designed to fully prepare candidates for the actual exam - Doesn't just tell readers why the right answer is right: tells them why the wrong answers are wrong, too Summary T
IT Systems Management (2nd Edition
Published 11 years ago
by Rich Schiesser, Prentice Hall PTR
The best-practice guide to managing IT infrastructures–now fully updated!IT Systems Management is an up-to-the-minute guide to maintaining stable, responsive IT production environments. Top IT systems management expert Rich Schiesser illuminatesboth the theoretical and practical aspects of systems management, using methods and examples drawn from decades of experience leading and consulting with the world’s most complex enterprise IT organizations.
The Java(TM) Class Libraries, Volume 2: java.applet, java.awt, java.
Published 11 years ago
by Patrick Chan, Rosanna Lee, Prentice Hall PTR
As the definitive reference to the Java 1.1.2 version class libraries, this book is an essential resource for both beginner and experienced Java programmers. This volume provides comprehensive reference documentation for the development of applets, user interfaces, and Java beans. The packages covered in Volume 2 are: java applet, java awt image, java awt, java awt peer, java awt data transfer, java beans, java awt event.
CSS Fundamentals LiveLessons Bundle
Published 11 years ago
by Christian Montoya, Kynn Bartlett, Prentice Hall PTR
Use Acclaimed Video Lessons and Best-Selling Book Side by Side to Master CSS Fast!A $180 value, this package gives you instant skills, answers, and solutions from more than seven hours of video LiveLessons—plus even deeper insights from the world’s most practical CSS2 Web development tutorial!Includes: *LiveLessons DVD with 7+ Hours of Video Instruction *The Industry’s best CSS Tutorial Book, with 24 Hands-On, Step-by-Step LessonsAbout the LiveLessons DVD
iPhone for Programmers: An App-Driven Approach (Deitel Developer Series
Published 11 years ago
by Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Abbey Deitel, Eric Kern, Michael Morgano, Prentice Hall PTR
The professional programmer’s DEITEL® guide to iPhone app development using iPhone SDK 3.x, Xcode®, Objective-C® and Cocoa®“I wish I’d had this book in my hands when I started developing on the iPhone. What took me a lot of time and many mistakes to learn, is beautifully explained in a clear, concise style that will take you from zero to publishing your first app in no time.”–Marcantonio Magnarapa, Research & Development on Mobile Platforms, Ogilvy InteractiveOver 1.
Oracle Performance Survival Guide: A Systematic Approach to Database Optimization
Published 11 years ago
by Guy Harrison, Prentice Hall PTR
Oracle Performance Survival GuideA Systematic Approach to Database OptimizationThe fast, complete, start-to-finish guide to optimizing Oracle performanceOracle Performance Survival Guide offers a structured, systematic, start-to-finish methodology for optimizing Oracle performance as efficiently as possible.
Sun Web Server: The Essential Guide
Published 11 years ago
by William Nelson, Arvind Srinivasan, Murthy Chintalapati, Prentice Hall PTR
Sun Web Server: The Essential GuideWilliam Nelson • Arvind Srinivasan • Murthy Chintalapati (CVR) Foreword by Scott G. McNealyThe authoritative, comprehensive guide to Sun Web Server 7.0Sun Web Server is the secure web serving platform of choice for large-scale enterprises in industries from finance and telecommunications to travel and government. Now there’s a complete, detailed guide to the latest Sun Web Server 7.0 release.
Essential JavaFX
Published 11 years ago
by Gail Anderson, Paul Anderson, Prentice Hall PTR
A complete introduction for beginners to Sun's powerful JavaFX scripting language JavaFX is a scripting language which provides built-in properties for manipulating objects within a 2D coordinate system. A competing technology to Microsoft's Silverlight, JavaFX provides the tools to fill and pen stroke colors, and create special effects, shapes and lines. It also manipulates images and play videos and sound and defines animations that affect objects over time.
Real-Time Java Programming: With Java RTS
Published 11 years ago
by Eric J. Bruno, Greg Bollella, Prentice Hall PTR
The Definitive Guide to Java RTS for Developers and Architects For Java developers and architects moving to real-time, and real-time developers moving to Java Walks through start-to-finish case study applications, identifying their constraints and discussing the APIs and design patterns used to address them Written by the former leader of the real-time Java standards process and one of Wall Street’s top real-time developers Sun Microsystems’ Java Real-Time System (Java RTS) is p
JavaFX: Developing Rich Internet Applications (Java Series)
Published 11 years ago
by Jim Clarke, Jim Connors, Eric J. Bruno, Prentice Hall PTR
Build Rich Applications that Run on the Desktop, the Web, Mobile Devices...Anywhere! Using JavaFX, developers and graphic designers can work together to build robust, immersive applications and deploy them anywhere: on the desktop, on the Web, and on millions of Java-enabled mobile devices. JavaFX lets you maintain your existing graphics and seamlessly integrate them into Java applications.
JavaScript for Programmers (Deitel Developer Series)
Published 11 years ago
by Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel, Prentice Hall PTR
PRACTICAL, EXAMPLE-RICH COVERAGE OF: XHTML® CSS® JavaScript™: Control Statements, Functions, Arrays, Objects JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) XHTML DOM®: Objects and Collections JavaScript Event-Driven Programming XML® and RSS XML DOM Rich Internet Applications Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) XMLHttpRequest Dojo Toolkit Consuming Web Services And more… VISIT WWW.DEITEL.COM Download code examples Check out the growing list of programming, Web 2.0 and software-related
Java for Programmers (Deitel Developer)
Published 12 years ago
by Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel, Prentice Hall PTR
PRACTICAL, EXAMPLE-RICH COVERAGE OF: Classes, Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces, Nested Classes Integrated OOP Case Studies: Time, GradeBook, Employee Industrial-Strength, 95-Page OOD/UML® 2 ATM Case Study JavaServer™ Faces, Ajax-Enabled Web Applications, Web Services, Networking JDBC™, SQL, Java DB, MySQL® Threads and the Concurrency APIs I/O, Types, Control Statements, Methods Arrays, Generics, Collections Exception Handling, Files GUI, Graphics, Gr
Seam Framework: Experience the Evolution of Java EE (2nd Edition)
Published 12 years ago
by Michael Juntao Yuan, Jacob Orshalick, Thomas Heute, Prentice Hall PTR
Fully Updated to Cover Major Enhancements to Seam 2.xIn Seam Framework, Second Edition, the authors of the leading guide to Seam programming have systematically updated their text to reflect the major improvements introduced with Seam 2.x. This author team–all key Seam project contributors–teach Seam 2.x through detailed example applications that reveal how Seam simplifies many tasks that were previously difficult or impractical.
Python Fundamentals (Video Training) (LiveLessons)
Published 12 years ago
by Wesley Chun, Prentice Hall PTR
For any student or professional interested in learning the fundamentals of Python In this one-of-a-kind video package, leading Python developer and trainer Wesley Chun helps you learn Python quickly and comprehensively, so that you can immediately succeed with any Python project. Just click and watch: One step at a time, you will master Python fundamentals. If you already have Python experience, these videos will help further develop your skills.
C# 2008 Fundamentals I and II (Video Training) (LiveLessons)
Published 12 years ago
by Paul J. Deitel, Prentice Hall PTR
C# 2008 Fundamentals I and II show you everything you need to know to start building robust, powerful software with C# and .NET. This collection provides $2,000 (USD) worth of expert C# training! Your instructor, Paul Deitel, has taught C#, C++, and Java at organizations ranging from IBM to Sun Microsystems to NASA.
C# 2008 for Programmers (3rd Edition)
Published 12 years ago
by Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel, Prentice Hall PTR
The professional programmer’s Deitel® guide to C# and the powerful Microsoft® .NET FrameworkWritten for programmers with a background in C++, Java or other high-level languages, this book applies the Deitel signature live-code approach to teaching programming and explores Microsoft’s C# language and .NET Framework 3.5 in depth. The book is updated for Visual Studio® 2008 and C# 3.
SQL Fundamentals (3rd Edition)
Published 12 years ago
by John J. Patrick, Prentice Hall PTR
SQL Fundamentals deserves praise because it documents the implementation of Structured Query Language (SQL) in Oracle databases and Access databases simultaneously. Readers find out how to do simple single-table queries, more complicated multitable queries, table creation, joins, unions, and calculations in both environments in a variety of circumstances.
Enterprise Ajax (Video Training): Building Robust Ajax Applications (LiveLessons)
Published 12 years ago
by David R. Johnson, Alexei White, Andre Charland, Prentice Hall PTR
Enterprise Ajax Building Robust Ajax Applications David Johnson, Alexei White, and Andre Charland 8+ Hours of Video Instruction 1. Introduction to AJAX Learning Objectives 7:06 2. JavaScript Basics Learning Objectives 82:15 3. Ajax Debugging Learning Objectives 25:20 4. The XMLHttpRequest Object and Data Learning Objectives 29:15 5. Introduction to Ajax Frameworks Learning Objectives 127:45 6.