Books by this publisher
Computergrafik für Ingenieure: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung (German Edition)
Published 8 years ago
by Hans-Gnter Schiele, Springer
Zugeschnitten auf die Bedürfnisse von Ingenieuren, vermittelt der Autor in zwölf Kapiteln die Grundlagen der dreidimensionalen Computergrafik. Alle gängigen Projektionsarten, das Farbmanagement sowie diverse Verfahren zur Visualisierung werden behandelt. Die Kapitel bieten viele durchgerechnete Beispiele, inklusive der Ergebnisdarstellung.
Business Processes for Business Communities: Modeling Languages, Methods, Tools
Published 8 years ago
by Frank Schnthaler, Gottfried Vossen, Andreas Oberweis, Thomas Karle, Springer
After a brief introduction to the topic of business process modeling, the book offers a quick-start into model-based business process engineering. After that, the foundations of the modeling languages used are conveyed. Meaningful examples are in the foreground - each of the underlying formalisms is treated only as far as needed. Next the Horus Method is described in detail. The book defines a sequence of activities which finally leads to the creation of a complete business process model.
Improving Software Testing: Technical and Organizational Developments (SpringerBriefs in Information Systems)
Published 9 years ago
by Tim A. Majchrzak, Springer
Software is continuously increasing in complexity. Paradigmatic shifts and new development frameworks make it easier to implement software – but not to test it. Software testing remains to be a topic with many open questions with regard to both technical low-level aspects and to the organizational embedding of testing. However, a desired level of software quality cannot be achieved by either choosing a technical procedure or by optimizing testing processes.
Introduction to Computer Graphics: Using Java 2D and 3D (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Published 9 years ago
by Frank Klawonn, Springer
This book is an essential tool for second-year undergraduate students and above, providing clear and concise explanations of the basic concepts of computer graphics, and enabling the reader to immediately implement these concepts in Java 2D and/or 3D with only elementary knowledge of the programming language.
Pyomo - Optimization Modeling in Python (Springer Optimization and Its Applications)
Published 9 years ago
by William E. Hart, Carl Laird, Jean-Paul Watson, David L. Woodruff, Springer
This book provides a complete and comprehensive reference/guide to Pyomo (Python Optimization Modeling Objects) for both beginning and advanced modelers, including students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, academic researchers, and practitioners. The text illustrates the breadth of the modeling and analysis capabilities that are supported by the software and support of complex real-world applications.
Foundational Java: Key Elements and Practical Programming
Published 9 years ago
by David Parsons, Springer
This book presents a guide to the core features of Java – and some more recent innovations – enabling the reader to build skills and confidence though tried-and-trusted stages, supported by exercises that reinforce key learning points. All of the most useful and commonly applied Java syntax and libraries are introduced, along with many example programs that can provide the basis for more substantial applications.
Guide to Web Development with Java: Understanding Website Creation
Published 9 years ago
by Tim Downey, Springer
This comprehensive textbook introduces readers to the three-tiered, Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture by using Hibernate, JSPs, and Java Servlets. These three technologies all use Java, so that a student with a background in programming will be able to master them with ease, with the end result of being able to create web applications that use MVC, validate user input and save data to a database.
Multi-Net Optimization of VLSI Interconnect
Published 9 years ago
by Konstantin Moiseev, Avinoam Kolodny, Schmuel Wimer, Springer
This book covers layout design and layout migration methodologies for optimizing multi-net wire structures in advanced VLSI interconnects. Scaling-dependent models for interconnect power, interconnect delay and crosstalk noise are covered in depth, and several design optimization problems are addressed, such as minimization of interconnect power under delay constraints, or design for minimal delay in wire bundles within a given routing area.
Guide to Software Development: Designing and Managing the Life Cycle
Published 9 years ago
by Arthur M. Langer, Springer
This book addresses how best to make build vs. buy decisions, and what effect such decisions have on the software development life cycle (SDLC). Offering an integrated approach that includes important management and decision practices, the text explains how to create successful solutions that fit user and customer needs, by mixing different SDLC methodologies.
Creating New Medical Ontologies for Image Annotation: A Case Study (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineerin
Published 9 years ago
by Liana Stanescu, Dumitru Dan Burdescu, Marius Brezovan, Cristian Gabriel Mihai, Springer
Creating New Medical Ontologies for Image Annotation focuses on the problem of the medical images automatic annotation process, which is solved in an original manner by the authors. All the steps of this process are described in detail with algorithms, experiments and results. The original algorithms proposed by authors are compared with other efficient similar algorithms.
Mobility in Process Calculi and Natural Computing (Natural Computing Series)
Published 9 years ago
by Bogdan Aman, Gabriel Ciobanu, Springer
The design of formal calculi in which fundamental concepts underlying interactive systems can be described and studied has been a central theme of theoretical computer science in recent decades, while membrane computing, a rule-based formalism inspired by biological cells, is a more recent field that belongs to the general area of natural computing. This is the first book to establish a link between these two research directions while treating mobility as the central topic.
Dark Web: Exploring and Data Mining the Dark Side of the Web (Integrated Series in Information Systems)
Published 9 years ago
by Hsinchun Chen, Springer
The University of Arizona Artificial Intelligence Lab (AI Lab) Dark Web project is a long-term scientific research program that aims to study and understand the international terrorism (Jihadist) phenomena via a computational, data-centric approach. We aim to collect "ALL" web content generated by international terrorist groups, including web sites, forums, chat rooms, blogs, social networking sites, videos, virtual world, etc.
Applied Computer Science
Published 9 years ago
by Shane Torbert, Springer
Applied Computer Science presents a unique approach for introductory courses that will engage students with relevant topics from a variety of disciplines, encourage their natural creativity, and prepare them for independent projects. Lab assignments are accessible and carefully sequenced for maximum impact. Students are able to write their own code in building solutions and Python is used to minimize any language barrier for beginners.
Semantic Web Services for Web Databases
Published 9 years ago
by Mourad Ouzzani, Athman Bouguettaya, Springer
Semantic Web Services for Web Databases introduces an end-to-end framework for querying Web databases using novel Web service querying techniques. This includes a detailed framework for the query infrastructure for Web databases and services. Case studies are covered in the last section of this book. Semantic Web Services For Web Databases is designed for practitioners and researchers focused on service-oriented computing and Web databases.
Pervasive Linux: Basistechnologien, Softwareentwicklung, Werkzeuge (X.systems.press) (German Edition)
Published 9 years ago
by Christoph Czernohous, Springer
Der Band bietet eine grundlegende Einführung in das Thema Linux für mobile Endgeräte wie z. B. PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) oder Mobiltelefone. Der Autor erläutert zunächst die Spezifika sogenannter eingebetteter Systeme und erklärt dann, was beim Einsatz von Linux als Betriebssystem zu beachten ist. Anschließend werden die zentralen Komponenten eines Linux-Systems vorgestellt und die Programmierung unter Linux mithilfe gängiger Werkzeuge im Detail dargelegt.
Informationserschließung und Automatisches Indexieren: Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch (X.media.press) (German Edition)
Published 9 years ago
by Winfried Gdert, Klaus Lepsky, Matthias Nagelschmidt, Springer
Kenntnisse der Modellierung dokumentenbezogener Metadaten vermitteln die Autoren in dem Band vor allem durch praxisnahe Aufgabenstellungen – begleitet von theoretischen Erläuterungen und ergänzenden Übungen. Leser lernen, wie Datenbanken aufgebaut und mit Suchumgebungen ausgestattet werden. Dabei dienen Bilddokumente und bibliografische Daten als Beispiele. Ihre inhaltliche Erschließung wird insbesondere anhand der semantischen Strukturierung und des automatischen Indexierens erläutert.
Software Architecture: A Comprehensive Framework and Guide for Practitioners
Published 9 years ago
by Oliver Vogel, Ingo Arnold, Arif Chughtai, Timo Kehrer, Springer
As a software architect you work in a wide-ranging and dynamic environment. You have to understand the needs of your customer, design architectures that satisfy both functional and non-functional requirements, and lead development teams in implementing the architecture. And it is an environment that is constantly changing: trends such as cloud computing, service orientation, and model-driven procedures open up new architectural possibilities.
Guide to ILDJIT (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
Published 9 years ago
by Simone Campanoni, Springer
This book is a guide to getting started with ILDJIT, a compilation framework designed to be both easily extensible and easily configurable. Within this framework, it is possible to build a tool-chain by customizing ILDJIT for specific purposes. Customizations can be used within both static and dynamic compilers already included in the framework without adaptations.
Modellierung mit UML: Sprache, Konzepte und Methodik (Xpert.press) (German Edition)
Published 9 years ago
by Bernhard Rumpe, Springer
Die Unified Modeling Language (UML) hat sich zur dominanten Modellierungssprache entwickelt. Als weiterer Trend ist zu beobachten, dass „agile“ Methoden immer breiter eingesetzt werden. Der Band bietet eine Einführung in die Entwicklungsmethodik, die UML mit Elementen agiler Methoden kombiniert. Im Tutorial wird beschrieben, wie UML eingesetzt wird. Dabei werden Klassen-, Objekt- und Sequenzdiagramme, Statecharts sowie die Object Constraint Language (OCL) anhand vieler Beispiele erläutert.
Python Scripting for Computational Science (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)
Published 9 years ago
by Hans Petter Langtangen, Springer
Now in its revised and updated 4th edition, this book teaches computational scientists how to develop tailored, flexible, and human-efficient working environments built from small programs written in the easy-to-learn, high-level Python language.As in the previous edition, the focus is on highly relevant examples and applications. These include binding together existing applications and tools, for example, for automating simulation, data analysis, and visualization.