History Class



The history class is very simple to use. First, you need to add the class to your project, and declare a variable for each item. For example,

Dim clsFileHistory As clsHistory

When your application starts, you need to set the class properties, and initialize it:

Set clsFileHistory = New clsHistory
' specifies the key that the entries will be saved under
' in this case HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareVB And VBA Program SettingssAppNamesKeysSection
' the text in red is the location where settings are saved using the standard SaveSetting function.
' the other text is the things you can change!
clsFileHistory.sAppName = App.Title 'change this to whatever you save the rest of the registry entries for your app
clsFileHistory.sSection = "History"
clsFileHistory.sKey = "FileHistory"
' specifies the maximum number of items.
' default is 10 (if you are happy with 10, you don't need to set it)
clsFileHistory.lMax = 8

To load the items from the registry, simply get the Items property which returns a collection. The following code adds all the recent files to cboFiles

Dim cItems As Collection
Dim i As Long
Set cItems = clsFileHistory.Items
For i = 1 To cItems.Count
    cboFiles.AddItem cItems(i)

To add a new item to the list, use the AddItem command:

clsFileHistory.AddItem sFile 'sFile is the new item

If the item already exists, it is moved to the top. Once you have added the item, you will need to re-load the list. If you want to detect if and item is already on the list you can use the OnList function.

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