Peeyush Nigam

More than 3yrs of practical and job experience in IT Industry. Currently running own ASP center in city KANPUR - INDIA [url=""]PARI WEB SERVICES™[/url]
U may [email="[email protected]"]Email [/email] to me.
Latest articles
Dynamic Meta Tags
by Peeyush NigamHow to use META Tags to enchance user interface in a web site.
Determining Client Capabilities
by Peeyush NigamDetermine the capabilities of a client browser from the resolution to the user language.
News Scroller
by Peeyush NigamJavascript News Scroller for IE 5 and above
Animated Text
by Peeyush NigamAnimate text using JavaScript
Animated Buttons
by Peeyush NigamA few more animated buttons using CSS, Javascript and DHTML to create new more interactive & cool Form Button controls. Remember the code is best suited for only IE-5.5 and above.
Fading Scrollbar
by Peeyush NigamThis code can be used to design a Fading Scrollbar, using CSS and JavaScript technology.
Animate Button
by Peeyush NigamFollowing code is to develop different animated buttons using the tricks of CSS, Javascript and HTML. The code is effective for IE-5 and above. Developed by Peeyush Nigam (CEO-PARI WEB SERVICES™)
Add a Bookmark
by Peeyush NigamAdd a bookmark to the visitors Favourites folder in Internet Explorer
Pre-load Images
by Peeyush NigamSome simple javascript to pre-load images on a web page