Expert C# Business Objects

Page 2 of 2
  1. Introduction
  2. Review Continued

Review Continued

8. Windows Forms UI

This chapter addresses the creation of some 'simple' UI forms for a desktop application utilising the business objects already created. I say 'simple' in the very broadest sense of the word. There are a number of 'tricks' that the author has employed in order to make the interface more code-able: Custom DataViewList control; "Hidden" (required) data-bound objects; Custom VB.Net InputBox for C#.

There were some minor coding quirks that I would question, but that's really besides the point. The emphasis of using business objects in the GUI presentation is clearly stated. The sutleties of the underlying framework operations (calls) when objects are passed back and forth across a network and therefore having to sometimes replace the original object could perhaps have been emphasised a little more... but this is probably true with any framework utilisation. The use of data binding operations against business objects was particularly nice to read through also.

9. Web Forms UI

Similar to the last chapter, this one uses a web interface to interoperate with the business objects. Having been through the Windows Forms UI the only difference here is in the actual presentation and some of the usual 'quirks' of web-based GUI interplay. What it really shows is the actual transparent behaviour of the underlying business objects. The only real concern being how the information is maintained by the various screens and controls on the GUI... remembering that state plays an important role in the "thinking" process. There is nothing here that should cause difficulty for persons who have already been exposed to web type application development. Straightforward simple use of standard controls mechanics.

10. Web-Services Interface

Again, a different view / perspective on an "interface" to support the underlying business objects is the main thrust here. What I particularly liked was the security 'integration' using a SOAP header and the utilisation of structs as a front-end facade to the actual objects themselves, thereby allowing a certain amount of flexibility and ease of use in the subsequent coding thereof and I once more found myself running through the text and examples with no dificulty at all. A minor oversight did catch my eye - a "missing" line in the code that was referenced in the text. However, that aside this is another chapter that contains a lot of useful hinters that should be considered when advocating web services to the unwary.

11. Reporting and Batch Processing

Should have perhaps been called "Batch Processing and Reporting". The majority of this chapter revolves around the design and creation of a 'simple' batch processing engine using threads, msmq, timers, etc. Although interesting to follow, it was the first time in the book that my mind started to wander. It feels like the author is fitting the previous 10 chapters into one, which felt a bit disconcerting. Logically I also had a problem dealing with the internal underlying code first, in a bottom up manner, rather than a top down approach as the code progressed. What I did like was the more abstract concepts later on of the reporting mechanism and how to "code" the reports inter-relationships to business objects rather than to pure data objects, as is normally the case. This was great. To be honest though, if you're looking for any real in-depth actual reporting situations and scenarios, look elsewhere. Hence my earlier observation of title 'misrepresentation'.

Appendix. NetRun

A nice short addition detailing the no-touch deployment issues related to .Net and in particular the way in which netrun can be used to 'distribute' WinForms applications with almost no cost involved.


Having now completed this very sizable book over the last 6 weeks, what do I think?

Easy... Buy it, loan it, ('steal' it), get it ... but ultimately, read it! - It's excellent.

This is one book that should look tatty and torn with use(/abuse) after a very short time in any development office. The ideas, principles and general thought that has gone into this book are fantastic. I know that it may constitute an 'upgrade' from a previous Visual Basic book that the author wrote, but so what!? Anyone who has not read that one and is developing with .Net should definately read this one. In fact, I may even read the previous book just out of pure curiousity.

Totally recommended. 10/10. Hat's off to Mr Lhotka... There's really not much else I can say.

Final Notes:

1) I would change is the actual book's title. It should really have the word "Framework" in there somewhere, since the book really does deal a lot with the underlying framework elements that the author sets up initially.

When I was originally looking around for a couple of books on different topic areas within the Development realm, I also choose a "pure" Framework oriented book. I like to delve into various aspects of IT Development. "Expert C# Business Objects" therefore sounded to me like a nice companion to the Framework book I choose. In hindsight and IF at that time I could only have chosen one, then I don't believe that I could have done any better than simply choosing this one.

2) I have not ran ANY of the code from the download site. I don't really believe that this is a serious issue but some might 'argue' that ideas and concepts are pure theory unless you can prove that the code actually works as it should. In other words: "Show me!". A fair enough comment - I just can't confirm it is all.

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