VB 6 Sample Code
VB Express Color Object to Hex String
by Chris Buske
This function takes one color type variable and returns the hex code in a string.
Developing your first Visual WebGui application
by Guy Peled
An introduction to Visual WebGui through a sample application.
Visual WebGui a unique approach to AJAX development
by Guy Peled
Visual WebGui is not just another AJAX framework but rather a different approach to web application development, specially designed to simplify building highly complex applications like Outlook Web Access (OWA). Visual WebGui makes it possible for developers to create applications that were previously developed only by the "big guys".
Create Dynamic Menu in VB
by Hari K
This coding is useful for VB Developer who are interesting to create Dynamic menu. Steps: Add form - Name - frmMain Image List - Name - imglstImages Label - Name - lblLabel Class- mcPopupMenu
Convert Decimal Integer Values to Binary String in VB6
by Alex Etchells
A small function to convert decimal integer values to a binary string. The number of bits can be optionally specified but this will be increased if insufficient.
VB6 NMEA Interpreter Class for Reading GPS
by Alex Etchells
A VB6 version of Jon Person's .NET NMEA Interpreter Class as referenced in 'How to Write a GPS Application'. GPStest.zip contains the class and a simple project demonstrating implementation.
Working with Excel Files Using VB6
by Adil Hussain Raza
This code snippet demonstrates how to open, read and write to excel files. The concept is very simple. Totally aimed at beginners and well commented!
Precise .NET Server Content Caching
by Dimitrios Markatos
A simple demonstration of how to programatically use the caching facilities that ASP.NET offers.
Add Disappearing Effect To Your Forms
by Adil Hussain Raza
This is a simple piece of code to add continuously "disappearing" effect on your forms.
Retrieving the Summary properties of a file
by Praveena
How to fetch the Summary properties from a file, including Author, LastSavedBy, Subject, and LineCount using the DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties object.
Messenger Client Coding
by Hari K
I hereby submit Messenger client side Coding . This is very useful for Beginners who are going to develop Messenger in VB. In this coding also i was using WinSock control. Datas are transfer between RemotPort.
Show/Hide Desktop Icons
by Adil Hussain Raza
This code uses API calls to Hide/Unhide icons on the desktop. This code uses FindWindowEx & ShowWindow API Calls to do the job.
Large Number Operations
by Eric
What do you do when you want to work with numbers that have a total length of digits that reach into the billions? You sure can't store those in a conventional variable, or perform normal operations on them. This module demonstrates how to perform these.
Sending email from ASP.NET
by Orcs Web
One of the most commonly performed operations that I see in web applications - aside from database actions - is sending email from code. This demonstrates how in ASP.NET.
Forms Authentication Against An XML File
by Orcs Web
The code demonstrates how to validate a username and password against an XML file.
Debug ASP.NET pages using Tracing
by Julian Roberts
Demonstrates a useful debugging technique taking advantage of traces in ASP.NET.
ListBoxHScroll class
by 10Tec Company
Adding the horizontal scroll bar to a list box dynamically taking into account its font (using the IFont interface) and the vertical scroll bar visibility (by analyzing the WS_VSCROLL flag of the listbox styles)
List Network Computers
by Jonathon Rossi
This source code will show you how to list all the computers on your local network
Send & Receive Emails using Winsock and POP3
by Kym Manson
Demonstrates how to send & receive emails from a POP3 server using the Winsock control.
Return Parent Directory for Files and Folders
by Michael Wales
This short snippet of code will return the parent directory of a directory input, or the directory of a filename input.