Stored Procedures


Before we can create stored procedures, we first need to have the appropriate access to create objects. Remember our discussion on database objects from Chapter 1? We learned that stored procedures are considered objects, just as tables and views are. If we want to create stored procedures, we first need to grant the Developers role the appropriate permission to do so.

Try It Out – Granting Permission to Create Stored Procedures

1.    In Enterprise Manager, expand the Wrox_Auto_Works database and then click on Roles in the tree view.

2.    Right click on the db_ddladmin role and choose Properties from the popup menu.

3.    Click on Add. We want to select the Developersrole to add to the db_ddladmin role as a User, and then click the OK button to close the dialog. Click OK again.

Your login now has the rights to create stored procedures. The db_ddladmin role will permit you to create, modify, and drop objects in the Wrox_Auto_Works database.

Stored Procedure Owner Prefixes

When you create a stored procedure you become the owner of that stored procedure. Your login becomes the stored procedure prefix that must be used when executing your stored procedure from VB or SQL Server by other users. You and the database administrator are the only ones who can change your stored procedure – no other users have the authority to drop or modify your stored procedure. The figure below shows a user-created stored procedure with the login (in this case willist) as the owner of that stored procedure. Notice that User is the type listed in the Type column of the details pane:

As we explained above, when another user wants to execute a stored procedure created by us they must specify the appropriate prefix, as shown in the following code fragment:

objRS.Open "willist.up_SELECT_state_names", objConn, adOpenForwardOnly, _
    adLockReadOnly, adCmdStoredProc

Notice that we have prefixed our stored procedure with the owner prefix. Also notice that the Options parameter of the Open method specifies the adCmdStoredProc constant from the CommandTypeEnum enumeration. This lets SQL Server know that we want to execute a stored procedure.

If you are executing stored procedures created by yourself, you do not have to specify the owner prefix. Likewise, you do not have to specify the dbo prefix for stored procedures created by the database administrator. However, it is a good idea to prefix all stored procedures with the owner prefix. This allows you to share your code during development, and quickly identify who wrote the stored procedure in case changes are needed.

Let's look at the basic syntax of a stored procedure, which is shown below:

CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name [@parameter_name data_type [OUTPUT] [,…n]] AS
sql statements to go here
  • procedure_name represents the name of the stored procedure and can be up to 128 characters in length.
  • @parameter_name is the name of the parameter. All parameters names must be prefixed with the at (@) sign, which signifies that this is a local variable.
  • data_type specifies the data type of the parameter.
  • The optional OUTPUT keyword specifies that this parameter is an output parameter that will be returned to the caller.
  • n is a place holder for other parameters.
  • We will be covering this syntax in more detail as we progress through the chapters. Before we go much further let's examine the code for a typical stored procedure:

    SELECT State_ID, State_Name_VC, State_Abbreviation_CH
       FROM State_T
       ORDER BY State_Name_VC

    The first line specifies that a stored procedure should be created, and specifies the name that the stored procedure should have (up_select_state_names). Next, we enter our SQL statements to SELECT certain columns from the State_T table. We also order the results from the SELECT statement by the State_Name_VC column. This will list all state names in alphabetical order.

    We will cover the details of creating stored procedures in just a little bit. Before we do that we need to discuss stored procedure parameters and return values, which we'll do in the next section.

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