.NET Sample Code
How to get the current SessionID
by Edward Tanguay
Demonstrates how to retrieve the current SessionID for storing session data in a database
How to validate an XML file with an XSD file
by Edward Tanguay
Demonstrates an ASP.NET Web Form which tells you if your file is not well-formed and then if it is not valid it lists out the specific reason (like in XMLSpy), quite helpful to find an error in a large XML file as it returns the line number on which the error occurred as well as the tag name.
Serialize and deserialize objects to an XML file
by Edward Tanguay
This code shows the simplest way to automatically convert the information in an object to an XML file and back into an object. This is useful if you need to make information available web-server like on your server for other applications to pick it up.
How to write an ASHX file
by Edward Tanguay
An example of using a web handler file which you can use when your output is not going to a browser but to an xml-consuming client of some kind, keeping you away from all the browser technology you don't need.
Doing without Control Arrays
by Brian O'Connell
Many people ask how implement control arrays in VB.Net. The simple answer is you can't. I've created a vb.net project that demonstrates how to create a series of command buttons based on a user selected amount. It then adds these buttons' click event to an existing click event for a control placed on the form in design time. As far as I can tell this pretty much covers what you might want to do with arrays.
Drawing A Color Gradient
by Michael H
How to fill a form or draw text with a color gradient.
Getting Started With C#
by Bill Burris
This example is to get you started using C# in Visual Studio.NET. It is intended to be used as your first program to test your Visual Studio .NET installation, and to start finding your way around in VS
String Concatenation
by James Crowley
How to join/append two strings together in VB
Reveal internal DLL functions
by ElementK Journals
Uncover internal DLL functions with Dependency Walker
Integrate Web Content
by ElementK Journals
How to integrate web content into your site using the Internet Transfer control
Encoding your script files
by ElementK Journals
Protect both your server-side and client-side scripting by using the MS encoding utility