Agile Podcasts
Agile Toolkit: Michael Spayd - Agile 2010 - Coaching Coaches
Published 9 years ago, running time 0h16m
Michael and I chat about his work coaching coaces, facillitaton and coaching teams. Michael has been on the podcast a number of times and I always find my conversations with him compelling.Michael talks about his work with teams and some of the techniques he uses to create the appropriate en.
OnSoftware from InformIT: Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers
Jurgen Appelo discusses key points from his book "Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders," written for Line Managers. Gain a realistic approach to leading, managing, and growing your Agile team or organization.
Agile Toolkit: Agile Palooza DC 2010 - Sanjiv Augustine - Intrinsic Motivation and Agile Performance Management
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h27m
Sanjiv and I both have enjoyed the work of Daniel Pink. His book Drive is a great read for agile coaches and practitioners alike. Creating a Performance Management plan for knowledge workers can be a challenge in traditional organizations. Hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I always en.
Agile Toolkit: Agile Palooza DC - Ian Culling - Version One internal development and practices
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h20m
Ian and I discuss the internal development practices at Version One and some of the new features in V1. The folks at V1 have always been involved in community and it was a pleasure to talk with Ian and participate in the Agile Palooza.Enjoy.-bob payne
Software Engineering Radio: Large Agile Software Development with Bas Vodde
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h48m
In this episode Michael talks with Bas Vodde about how
Hanselminutes: From Agile Consultant to Agile Team Member with John Wilger
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h35m
Scott sits down with former agile coach John Wilger to talk about his experience going to work for the company he originally consulted with. What kinds of issues do small teams deal with when moving from traditional software develoment processes?
Visual Studio Talk Show (en français): Barry Paquet
Published 10 years ago, running time 1h18m
16 décembre 2010 (Ãmission #0130) ::.Barry Paquet: Gestion de produitsNous discutons avec Barry Paquet de gestion de produit dans un contexte agile. Le développement de logiciel Agile met de l'avant au sein des équipes un rôle "'métier" explicite soit le directeur de produit. Le dire.
Agile Toolkit: Dave Thomas - Agile 2010 - The big tar ball and other unintended consequences.
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h33m
I talk with Dave Thomas about his keynote at Agile 2010. During his keynote he put up a slide telling people that they would be refactored if if they tweeted or otherwise used the information about to be given. Sarcasm is no longer appreciated in the land of the brave. Maybe he gets a pass.
The SitePoint Podcast: The Best Site of All Time
Published 10 years ago, running time 1h3m
On the SitePoint Podcast news & commentary show this week, the Chrome App Store makes its debut, we discuss the future of XML on the Web, and thing-a-day mania is everywhere! All this, plus our host spotlights—one of which is the best site of all time!
Herding Code: Herding Code 96: Eric Sink on Veracity and DVCS
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h54m
This week on Herding Code, the guys talk with Eric Sink, cofounder of SourceGear, about Veracity and Distributed Version Control Systems. Listen in and learn about Veracity’s architecture including pluggable layers and a unique approach to data storage all built on an impressive technical stack.
Visual Studio Talk Show (en français): Sylvie Trudel
Published 10 years ago, running time 1h27m
25 octobre 2010 (Ãmission #0127) ::.Sylvie Trudel: Mesurer pour sâaméliorerNous discutons avec Syvie Trudel de sa passion pour les méthodes quantitatives d'estimation et de mesure de productivité en développement logiciel. Entres autres, nous discutons des principales mesures qu'on.
The SitePoint Podcast: Rethink Your Job with Adam Broadway
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h23m
On this week’s show, Kevin Yank chats with Adobe’s Adam Broadway, who has some thoughts about how freelance web designers should be running their businesses, and building ongoing relationships with their clients from the very beginning.
Visual Studio Talk Show (en français): Mathieu Szablowski
Published 10 years ago, running time 1h6m
8 septembre 2010 (Ãmission #0124) ::.Mathieu Szablowski: Visual Studio Scrum 1.0Nous discutons avec Mathieu Szablowski du nouveau template de processus Visual Studio Scrum.Ce nouveau gabarit de processus permet de configurer les projets hébergés sur Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TF.
Visual Studio Talk Show (en français): Laurent Bossavit
Published 10 years ago, running time 1h9m
13 août 2010 (Ãmission #0123) ::.Laurent Bossavit: LâInstitut Agile et le futur de la communauté AgileLa meilleure façon de prédire l'avenir, c'est de l'inventer. Nous discutons avec Laurent Bossavit de lâInstitut Agile et de son impact potentiel sur le futur de la communauté Agi.
Agile Toolkit: ADP 2010 West - Ryan Martens - Rally Dev and the addition of Agile Zen
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h18m
Ryan talks about the acquisition of Agile Zen as an addition to the Rally family of agile tools. I have not really spent much time with Ryan before this interview and I was excited to talk with him about his passion for giving.Enjoy- bob payne
Herding Code: Herding Code 84: Ex-Microsoft Developer Panel with Mike Moore, Jeff Cohen, and Scott Bellware
Published 10 years ago, running time 1h18m
This week on Herding Code, the guys talk to Jeff Cohen, Mike Moore, and Scott Bellware about why and how they’ve moved away from Microsoft development and into the Ruby community. K Scott asks the guests about why they switched. Jeff talks about how his switch from desktop development on Windows
Software Engineering Radio: Agile Testing with Lisa Crispin
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h46m
Podcast (MP3): DownloadHosts: MichaelGuests:Lisa Crispin Recording venue:SkypeThis episode covers the topic of agile testing. Michael interviews Lisa Crispin as an practionier and book author on agile testing. We cover several topics ranging from the role of the te.
Herding Code: Herding Code 82: Cory Foy and Will Green Compare .NET and Ruby Development
Published 10 years ago, running time 1h2m
This week on Herding Code, Cory Foy and Will Green join the guys to discuss general differences between .NET and Ruby development approaches. Is the grass always greener on the other side? Listen in on this week’s talk about how languages, frameworks, tools and cultures shape the way we implement.
Agile Toolkit: Agile Tips and Advice - Index Cards - Wave of the Past, Present and Future
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h16m
George and I discuss the reasons that we declare the index card the most valuable project management tool ever. I know this is probably old news but we are constantly asked "Why Index Cards".If you have never experienced a true project card wall it is time to "Kick it Old School
Software Engineering Radio: Agile Product Management with Roman Pichler
Published 10 years ago, running time 0h59m
Podcast (MP3): DownloadHosts: MartinGuests:Roman Pichler Recording venue:SkypeIn this episode, we discuss with Roman Pichler how Scrum impacts product management and how agile product management differs from traditional approaches. The topics covered include produc.
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