Database Training & Events in Canada
A Peek at SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Availability Groups - Ottawa, Canada
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Ottawa .NET Meetup Group
SQL Server 2012 will have quite a few features aimed towards providing High Availability for database architectures. In this session, we will explore the new AlwaysOn Availability Groups feature for high availability and disaster recovery and the increased productivity created by read-only access to secondary database mirror replicas.Speaker: Edwin Sarmiento
Erlang Factory Lite Vancouver 2012 - Vancouver, Canada
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Vancouver Erlang Meetup Group
Hi,Want to meet word-class speakers from all over the world and learn more about building reliable, scalable and robust systems? Interested in NoSQL databases like Riak? How the concurrency is changing the landscape of development?Then you should absolutely attend Erlang Factory Lite 2012 here in Vancouver. We're bringing a variety of high profile speakers and guests from all around the world. We'll be having speakers from such companies as Opscode, Heroku, Basho, Vocalocity and others.
Samedi .NET - nouveautés SQL Server 2012 - Montréal, Canada
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Communauté .NET Montréal
Attention - à cause de la grève étudiante dans les universités, il est possible que la date et le lieu de la journée soit modifié dans les prochains jours. Nous enverrons une mise à jour s'il y a des changements.Durant cette journée, nous aborderons les principales nouveautés de SQL Server 2012Agenda de la journée9:00 : Introduction9:15 : Nouveautés SSMS, T-SQL et SSDT
Cypher Workshop - from zero to hero - Vancouver, Canada
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Graph Database - Vancouver
Much has happened in the Neo4j world of graphs. Let's get together for a hands-on coding workshop to learn about Cypher, Neo4j's declarative query language. We'll start with a refresher/intro about Neo4j and graph database 101, then proceed through a progression of koan based exercises.Whether you're new to Neo4j or already coding away, this will be a great way to learn all that Cypher can do to assist your graph-like thinking.Bring a laptop, we'll supply the beer.
ConFoo 2012 - Montréal, Canada
happened 9 years ago
Organised by ConFoo
PHP Québec, Montréal-Python, Montreal.rb, Montreal Jug, W3Qc, OWASP Montréal, Android Montreal, are proud to announce the third edition of the ConFoo Conference. From February 29th to March 2nd, 2012, international experts in Java, .Net, PHP, Python and Ruby will present solutions for developers and project managers the prestigious Hilton Bonaventure Hotel, located downtown Montréal.
Adobe Air Mobile Development Fundamentals - Vancouver, Canada
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Vancouver Flash Platform Meetup Group
There's a lot of talk about Adobe Air and cross platform compiling, but not a lot of people are doing it right. It's hard to design for multiple devices at once, especially hard for the constraints of today's mobile devices. Until Stage3D and multithreading are released for mobile we need to be ever so careful at how we craft our apps for mobile devices. Personally I know most of the tricks out there to achieve great framerates without hampering graphic functionality.
Azure Camp - January 21 - Edmonton, Canada
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Edmonton .NET User Group
Setup requirements:Everyone should bring their own machine.WIFI will be accessible.We will download the tools together, install them, and then use them.The Azure Camp is a higher level learning/awareness. There will be a workshop most likely in April where the aim is to actually build apps.The Application workshop is actually a perfect follow up to the Azure Camp as it takes the principles learned in the Azure Camp and works with the attendees to make those learnings real as the
Samedi .NET - Débutez avec le Cloud et Windows Azure - Montreal, Canada
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Communauté .NET Montréal
Sujet: Débutez avec le Cloud et Windows AzureConférenciers: Guy Barrette Microsoft Regional Director & MVP Azure, Cory Fowler MVP AzureEndroit: UQAM, Salle R-M110Heure: 9h00 à 16h30Note: Les présentations de Cory seront en anglais.NOTE: Un frais de $10 est exigé pour cette journée. Vous devez aussi avoir payé votre membership annuel de $25.
Meeting SQL - SSIS Performance Design Patterns - Montréal, Canada
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Communauté .NET Montréal
Sujet: SSIS Performance Design PatternsConférencier: Matt Masson, MicrosoftNote: Cette conférence sera en anglaisNOTE: Gratuit pour les membres en règle qui ont payé le membership annuel ($25), $5 pour les autres payable comptant sur place.Need a fast data integration solution, but don't have the time or budget for heavy performance tuning? Come learn how to maximize your ROI by applying trusted design patterns to your Integration Services packages.
iPhone Boot Camp Intensive Three Day Workshop - Registration now open - Toronto, Canada
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Toronto iPhone Developers Boot Camp
The three day intensive workshop from 10 am- 6:00 pm covers the fundamentals and advanced feature of iPhone development, enough material that you should be able to develop your own iPhone application and upload it to the AppStore. The workshop is limited in size and features hands on exercises under the supervision of the instructor and teaching assistants.Syllabus:Day One: Essential App BuildingIntroduction & Tools- Hello World- Tools: Mac OS X, XCode, Instruments
Wordpress Plugin Development (joint meetup with GTA PHP User Group) - Toronto, Canada
happened 9 years ago
Organised by East Toronto Web Design Meetup
Wordpress seems to be all the buzz lately. I have been learning how to create Plugins for it, so I am going to do a brief talk on how to create your own Plugins.This will be somewhat of a beginner's level presentation, but I will assume that you have a basic knowledge of PHP/MySQL and of how to pass information over the web (eg. GET, POST, SESSION, COOKIE) and of course you should know a little about Wordpress.
Wordpress Plugin Development - Toronto, Canada
happened 9 years ago
Organised by GTA PHP User Group
Wordpress seems to be all the buzz lately. I have been learning how to create Plugins for it, so I am going to do a brief talk on how to create your own Plugins.This will be somewhat of a beginner's level presentation, but I will assume that you have a basic knowledge of PHP/MySQL and of how to pass information over the web (eg. GET, POST, SESSION, COOKIE) and of course you should know a little about Wordpress.
iPhone Boot Camp Intensive Three Day Workshop - Registration now open - Toronto, Canada
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Toronto iPhone Developers Boot Camp
The three day intensive workshop from 10 am- 6:00 pm covers the fundamentals and advanced feature of iPhone development, enough material that you should be able to develop your own iPhone application and upload it to the AppStore. The workshop is limited in size and features hands on exercises under the supervision of the instructor and teaching assistants.Syllabus:Day One: Essential App BuildingIntroduction & Tools- Hello World- Tools: Mac OS X, XCode, Instruments
Boost Hibernate Performance 10x via the new Ehcache and Hibernate Cache provider - Vancouver, Canada
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Vancouver Java Users Group
Kunal Bhasin from Terracotta will be giving a presentation on boosting the performance of Hibernate in your applications by 10x via the new Ehcache 2.0.0 and Hibernate Caching SPI provider.Ehcache is an open source, standards-based cache used in a wide array of applications to boost performance, offload the database and simplify scalability. Ehcache is robust, proven and full-features and this has made it the most widely used Java-based cache.
Intro to PHP & MySQL - Part 2 of 2 - Toronto, Canada
happened 10 years ago
Organised by East Toronto Web Design Meetup
This will be the second part of the 2 part series on PHP & MySQL. In part 1, we covered the basics of PHP.In this lecture, we will be introducing MySQL and demonstrating how to incorporate it into your PHP pages. Unfortunately Larry has another commitment, so I will be conducting this lecture.We will be following the same format as our previous lectures at the S Walter Stewart library.
Web Design Lecture - Introduction to PHP & MySQL - Part 1 of 2 - Toronto, Canada
happened 10 years ago
Organised by East Toronto Web Design Meetup
Hi All,Continuing in the new Web Design Lecture format of our meetup, I have booked the library for a lecture.This time we will be looking at PHP & MySQL, 2 technologies which can be used to create virtually any type of web application you can think of, from shopping carts to content management systems to social media websites. Many of the web designers I have met are not familiar with these technologies, but wish they were.
Vancouver MySQL April Meetup - Vancouver, Canada
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Vancouver MySQL Meetup
Here is an interesting post on installing MySQL: this meetup, we will look at the different ways to install MySQL on Linux. We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of using yum / apt-get / MySql binaries.We will also look at some of the server variables and how they affect database performance.Here is a map of the Capilano University North Vancouver campus and where to find parking.
PHP Quebec - Montreal - Montreal, Canada
happened 11 years ago
PHP Québec vous convie à la rencontre mensuelle du mois de Février. En premier lieu, Mathieu Viau fera une introduction à PHP ainsi qu'un tour horizons des extensions PHP. Par la suite, Joel Perras une introduction sur le framework CakePHP. CakePHP est un framework de dveloppement rapide pour PHP qui fournit une architecture extensible pour dvelopper, maintenir et dployer des applications.
PHP Quebec - Montreal - Montreal, Canada
happened 11 years ago
PHP Québec vous convie à la rencontre mensuelle du mois de Janvier. En premier lieu, Christian Beauclair présentera sur le protocol d'accès aux données Odata: "In this code-heavy session we'll discuss the upcoming new version of ADO.NET (WCF) Data Services, a simple, standards-based RESTful service interface for data access based on oData (). Come see new features in action and learn how you can use the data from PHP using the "Toolkit for PHP with ADO.
[VanDev] Personal Technical Leadership - A model for developing your skills - Vancouver, Canada
happened 11 years ago
Organised by VanDev: Vancouver's Software Developers Network
In December we have Adib Saikali of Programming Mastery to lead us in a discussion about what kind of leadership is needed in technical projects and how we can develop it. Projects that lack strong leadership often flounder and fail to meet expectations. Join us as Adib explores what it takes to lead in a technical environment. Following the discussion we'll have round-the-room introductions and then open the floor for networking.
ROR app in one afternoon - Cornwall, Canada
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Cyber CodeTalkers
Bring your laptop and be prepared to build your own Ruby on Rails application. APP TITLE: DayCare Management[list]APP FEATURES Provide UI for DayCare workers to update their client database. Database holds information about clients (parents and their children) Database holds info about DayCare workers.Login Management for DayCare workers to use the app.Standard CRUD: create, read, update, delete operations.[/list][list]I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO DO THE FOLLOWING/
Eliminate SQL Server Outages Even For Maintenance and add DR - Toronto, On, Canada
happened 11 years ago
Organised by xkoto
GRIDSCALE from xkoto allows SQL Server applications to be load balanced over two or more servers. If one server crashes or has to come down for maintenance, the remaining servers seamlessly provide the applications data. The load balancer can provide scale of approximately 90% per server added. One or more serves can be located at a geographically separate site to provide true active DR. This system provides both HA and DR and utilizes all servers in the cluster/GRID.
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