Java Books
Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1
Published 17 years ago includes sample chapter
by Stefan Denninger, Ingo Peters, Rob Castenada, Apress
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a server-side component model for transaction-aware distributed enterprise applications, written in the Java programming language. Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1 details the architecture of the Enterprise JavaBeans component model. After the authors introduce the component paradigm, they move on to cover EJB architecture basics.
J2EE FrontEnd Technologies: A Programmer's Guide to Servlets, JavaServer Pages, and JavaBeans
Published 19 years ago includes sample chapter
by Lennart Jorelid, Apress
J2EE FrontEnd Technologies: A Programmer's Guide to Servlets, JavaServer Pages, and Enterprise JavaBeans concisely and accurately describes what you need to know about effective enterprise development based on servlets, JSPs, and EJBs. Servlets, JSPs, and EJBs are the most important aspects of Java as it is used in the production of enterprise Web applications today.
XML Programming: Web Applications and Web Services With JSP and ASP
Published 18 years ago includes sample chapter
by Alexander Nakhimovsky, Tom Myers, Apress
XML Programming: Web Applications and Web Services with JSP and ASP provides a fast-moving introduction to the XML family of technologies for programmers. Although written with a focus upon JSP- and ASP-based XML solutions, the book presents the material from a language-independent point of view that benefits all developers, whatever their language. The code is written to be readable by all.
Java Persistence for Relational Databases
Published 17 years ago includes sample chapter
by Richard Sperko, Apress
Java Persistence for Relational Databases is chock full of best practices and patterns, for those of you who want to connect to databases using Java! Coverage includes various database-related APIs for Java, like JDO, JDBC (including the newest 3.0 APIs), and CMP ("Container Managed Persistence" with EJB). All those things you developers have wanted to know&emdash;but were afraid to ask&emdash;are featured inside this book.
JBoss 3.2 Deployment and Administration
Published 17 years ago includes sample chapter
by Meeraj Kunnumpurath, Apress, Apress
Deploying J2EE applications and configuring the application server are some of the most tricky, non-standard elements of J2EE development. But JBoss 3.2 Deployment and Administration will help you navigate configurative, administrative, and deployment tasks on the Jboss application server. Meanwhile, JBoss is the leading open source J2EE application server. It was voted the JavaWorld 2002 Editor's Choice for Best Application Server.
A Programmer's Guide to Jini Technology
Published 20 years ago includes sample chapter
by Jan Newmarch, Apress
To understand Jini, imagine that you could move to a new office across the world, or check into any hotel&emdash;and could simply plug your notebook or Palm directly into the local network. Your device would immediately be recognized, and you would have access to the services at that location&emdash;transparently. Jini is Sun's Java-based technology, with potential to make transparant, "universal plug and play" a reality.
Apache Jakarta-Tomcat
Published 19 years ago includes sample chapter
by James Goodwill, Apress
Apache Jakarta-Tomcat, the official reference implementation for the Java servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies, has long been heralded as an excellent platform for the development and deployment of powerful Web applications. The recently released version 4.0 offers not only numerous enhancements in flexibility and stability, but also an array of new features that are certain to expand upon the Tomcat developers' already wealthy toolset.
Using and Understanding Java Data Objects
Published 17 years ago includes sample chapter
by D. Ezzio, David Ezzio, Apress
Using and Understanding Java Data Objects is the programmer's guide to JDO. Adopted by the Java Community Process, Java Data Objects (JDO) specifies a universal and transparent persistence service for Java objects. JDO reduces the amount of code that application developers write to store and retrieve persistent state. JDO frees application designers and programmers from the details of persistence.
.NET Development for Java Programmers
Published 18 years ago includes sample chapter
by Paul Gibbons, Apress
Java developers have adapted to a world in which everything is an object, resources are reclaimed by a garbage collector, and multiple inheritance is replaced by interfaces. All of these things have prepared developers to thrive in Microsoft's new .NET environment using C#. Despite similarities between Java and C#, complex differences still lurk. This book will walk you through both language and library differences, to help you develop enterprise applications requiring mastery.
Google, Amazon, and Beyond: Creating and Consuming Web Services
Published 17 years ago includes sample chapter
by Alexander Nakhimovsky, Tom Myers, Apress
readable, accessible and eminently practical... ...quite a good book about writing software to consume and provide web services. — Slashdot While many books are focused on the underlying technologies of web services and others are dedicated to providing web services, few books show how to consume web services.