Java Training & Events in Asia
Online Coding Challenge- Eko Codesprint - New Delhi, India
happened 8 years ago
Can you Code? And, can you Code faster than others? Take part in EKO CODESPRINT and get a chance to join the multiple award winning Start Up in the Microfinance Industry in India. The EKO-CODESPRINT will be conducted on July 14th 2012. We'd like to invite Coders from all over the globe to participate in this competition.
Blue Pill or Red Pill - Choose your Neo4j projects! - Pune, India
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Neo4j India
While trying to come up with a topic for the next meetup, we considered a possibility of having the community hacking into their favorite platforms/technology and building concepts on top of Neo4j. The last Bootcamp for Neo4j Beginners saw Java programmers along with Ruby, PHP, Scala and Clojure enthusiasts actively participating in a short coding session. Let's continue the momentum by doing what we do best, hack!
Building applications with JBoss' Seam framework - Pune, India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Pune Java Meetup Group
Seam is a powerful open source development platform for building rich Internet applications in Java. Seam integrates technologies such as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), JavaServer Faces (JSF), Java Persistence (JPA), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 3.0) and Business Process Management (BPM) into a unified full-stack solution, complete with sophisticated tooling.Sachin Patil has been kind enough to agree to conduct a session on the Seam framework. He is working with IMC (
Refactoring Dojo (Java) - , Singapore
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Singapore
Attn: ProgrammersThis is a 2 hour coding event for you to practice Refactoring so that gradually, you learn how to deal with nasty codes and spend more time writing valuable software.You are expected to pair and refactor some smelly Java codes in a fixed amount of time followed by a review. Switch pairs and repeat. Luckily, you can refactor safely because you are already provided with solid unit tests.This event is free and organized by Stanly Lau.
Can we make on meet up on java 7 - Pune, India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Tech Next
lets figure out More features and changes in java 7.
Refactoring Dojo (Java) - , Singapore
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Singapore
Attn: ProgrammersThis is a 2 hour coding event for you to practice Refactoring so that gradually, you learn how to deal with nasty codes and spend more time writing valuable software.You are expected to pair and refactor some smelly Java codes in a fixed amount of time followed by a review. Switch pairs and repeat. Luckily, you can refactor safely because you are already provided with solid unit tests.This event is free and organized by Stanly Lau.
Impacts of web based applications on desktop applications - Pune, India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Pune Java Meetup Group
As the web apps (Java EE) are the flavour of today, everybody prefers to build for the web and usually host on the cloud. Given that premise, it would be interesting to do a session that does not focus on webapps.We could discuss a number of Java SE app dev topics, such as:- types of client apps: command line, rich client, etc- GUI toolkits: Swing, SWT, etc- Rich Client platforms: Eclipse, NetbeansFeel free to add more related topics in the comments
Spring AOP - Pune, India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Tech Next
1. Introduction to AOP2. Spring AOP3. A few design solutionsSpeaker : PradyumnaHe has over 6 years of experience and has worked in Java and .Net.He used to work with Soft Corner earlier and is currently working with Siemens PLM. He is an SCWCD and OCA (Oracle Certified Associate).Additional Speaker : Rohit GhatolFounder TechNext and Author for "Begining PhoneGap" for Apress.Associate Architect at QuickOffice and Project Manager at Synerzip.
IDEs and other dev tools - Somdet Chao Phraya, Thailand
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Web Design, UX Design & Web Development Meetup Group in BKK
I've been using Eclipse for about 7 years and could show some of the features that are available for Java and Android.Let's have a session where 4-5 people show different environments/tools. Each presentation can be about 15-20 minutes and doesn't have to be prepared much since this is what we do an a daily basis.Presentations can include stuff like writing code, writing and running tests, debugging, profiling, deploying, UI-tools etc.
Bangalore Open Java User Group Meet - Bangalore, India
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Bangalore Java Users
1)For people who think "Java is Dead".. msg from OracleRanganath.S2)a) RESTIFY Java , JAX RS :- Ranganath.S3) OSGI, GlassfishSanjeeb Sahoo Glassfish Commiter4) Java ME caught in between MS & NokiaUnconference
Pre Event Flash & Flex Israel User Group Meeting - Raanana, Israel
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Flash & Flex Israel
REGISTER AT - Flash and Flex Israel on February 1st, 2011 for another great user group meeting all about"Modularization of Flex Applications"Were glad to invite Java Champion & Certified Adobe Flex Instructor Yakov Fain from New York, Managing Director at Farata Systems.Yakov Fain is a Managing Director at Farata Systems, a US-based company that provides consulting services in the field of development of enterprise rich Internet applications.
Eclipse DemoCamp in Pune on November 17 2010 - Pune, India
happened 10 years ago
Please join us for Eclipse Demo Camp in Pune on Nov 19, 2010
Pune Java Meetup - Pune, India
happened 10 years ago
The Pune Java Meetup group hopes to meet on the second Saturday of every month. This group is a free/open group. Anybody interested in Java can join the group. Anybody can propose a meeting. Join the group by going to the Pune Java Meetup Group on This month’s meetup, on Saturday, will feature Kiran Nasaraddy talking about his experiences with Modeling Frameworks – specifically their (bad) experiences with the EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework), and good experience with JaXB.
May 2010 JUG - Performance test management - Singapore, Singapore
happened 10 years ago
Organised by JUG Singapore
A talk by Victor Czenter:Performance testing is a labour-intensive activity and demand special knowledge of various technologies and management of complex system landscape. Load and performance tests are complex tests meant to assess the performance of application systems under realistic or expected load scenarios. These tests are used for validation and verification of quality attributes like scalability, reliability and resource demand.
Boosting Performance, at Sun Microsystems - ???, United Arab Emirates
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Dubai PHP
We're pleased to have Giuseppe Maxia, MySQL Community Team Lead at Sun Microsystems, speak with us at this very special event, hosted at Sun Microsystem's offices.Boosting performance with partitions in MySQL 5.1 and 5.5Partitions divide up large data sets to increase performance and minimize disk and other bottlenecks. In this talk, Giuseppe will look at the general concepts around partitioning, how they apply to MySQL, and how to utilize these valuable features in MySQL 5.
Boosting Performance, at Sun Microsystems - ???, United Arab Emirates
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Dubai MySQL Meetup Group
We're pleased to have Giuseppe Maxia, MySQL Community Team Lead at Sun Microsystems, speak with us at this very special event, hosted at Sun Microsystem's offices.Boosting performance with partitions in MySQL 5.1 and 5.5Partitions divide up large data sets to increase performance and minimize disk and other bottlenecks. In this talk, Giuseppe will look at the general concepts around partitioning, how they apply to MySQL, and how to utilize these valuable features in MySQL 5.
4th Conference On Java Technology - Dec 2009 - Pune, India - Pune, India
happened 11 years ago Conference On Java Technology is an independent annual event on Java technology in India.
Eclipse DemoCamp - Pune, India
happened 11 years ago
What is DemoCamp?From the Eclipse page ( May 18 to June 29, we are inviting individuals to organize and attend Eclipse DemoCamps around the world to celebrate the Galileo release. The Eclipse DemoCamps are an opportunity to showcase all of the cool interesting technology being built by the Eclipse community. They are also an opportunity for you to meet Eclipse enthusiasts in your city. You don't need to be a software developer to attend!The format of a DemoCamp is pretty informal.
Sun Microsystems Conference - Hyderabad, India
happened 12 years ago
Organised by Sun Microsystems
It’s an opportunity which comes only once in a while. An opportunity to learn about the latest trends in IT before world even hears it and learn it from pioneers such as James Gosling, Robert Brewin and many more. All these luminaries are landing in Hyderabad, India on February 18-20 to take part in “Sun Tech Days” conference organized by venerable Sun Microsystems.
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