MS Access Books
Pocket PC Database Development with eMbedded Visual Basic
Published 19 years ago includes sample chapter
by Rob Tiffany, Apress
The Pocket PC is now the fastest growing platform for building handheld-based enterprise applications. Free from the memory limitations and underpowered processors of other handheld platforms, Pocket Access and eMbedded Visual Basic are providing the Pocket PC with the same one-two punch that Microsoft Access and Visual Basic gave Windows application development in the early 1990s.
Pro Access 2007
Published 13 years ago includes sample chapter
by Martin WP Reid, Apress
Pro Access 2007 covers the new features of Microsoft Access 2007, including working with SharePoint Office Server and customizing Ribbons. The book is aimed at professional developers and power users who are new to Access 2007. Among other topics, youll learn about the new Access menu structure, including customization, as well as new SharePoint features. This book provides good, short, solid information with as little waffle as possible.
HTTP Programming Recipes for C# Bots
Published 13 years ago
by Jeff Heaton, Heaton Research, Inc.
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) allows information to be exchanged between a web server and a web browser. C# allows you to program HTTP directly. HTTP programming allows you to create programs that access the web much like a human user would. These programs, which are called bots, can collect information or automate common web programming tasks. This book presents a collection of very reusable recipes for C# bot programming.
Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
Published 17 years ago includes sample chapter
by Garry Robinson, Apress
Author Garry Robinson approaches this book differently than other Access books on the market: he keeps the focus on issues that will help protect your database. Written from an experienced developer's point of view, he discusses protection and security task-by-task. You'll learn to hide tables as system tables, produce databases difficult to crack, and back up databases.
Windows Command Line Administration Instant Reference
Published 10 years ago
by John Paul Mueller, Sybex
The perfect companion to any book on Windows Server 2008 or Windows 7, and the quickest way to access critical informationFocusing just on the essentials of command-line interface (CLI), Windows Command-Line Administration Instant Reference easily shows how to quickly perform day-to-day tasks of Windows administration without ever touching the graphical user interface (GUI
Secure Java: For Web Application Development
Published 10 years ago
by Abhay Bhargav, B. V. Kumar, CRC Press
Most security books on Java focus on cryptography and access control, but exclude key aspects such as coding practices, logging, and Web application risk assessment. Encapsulating security requirements for Web development with the Java programming platform, Secure Java: For Web Application Development covers secure programming, risk assessment, and threat modeling—explaining how to integrate these practices into a secure software development life cycle.
Microsoft Access 2010 Inside Out
Published 10 years ago
by Jeff Conrad, John Viescas, Microsoft Press
This supremely organized reference is packed with hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds. It's all muscle and no fluff. Discover how the experts tackle Access® 2010-- and challenge yourself to new levels of mastery! *Create tables that support one's database design strategy *Import and link to data from spreadsheets, text files, databases, and other ODBC data sources *Build simple to complex queries to manipulate data
Microsoft® Access® 2010 Plain & Simple
Published 10 years ago
by Curtis D. Frye, Microsoft Press
Get the guide that makes learning Microsoft Access 2010 plain and simple! This full color, no-nonsense book shows you the quickest ways to build a database and sort information, using easy-to-follow steps and concise, straightforward language. You'll learn how out-of-the-box templates and reusable components make Access 2010 a fast and simple database solution.Here's WHAT you'll learn: *Navigate the user interface with Backstage view and the customizable ribbon
Beginning SQL (Programmer to Programmer)
Published 16 years ago
by Paul Wilton, John Colby, Wrox
*Taking readers through the basics of the language, right up to some more advanced topics, this book is a practical, hands-on resource and aims to keep the reader involved at all times *Focuses on the SQL standard and is loaded with detailed examples and code; each chapter includes practice exercises that readers can challenge themselves with before looking at the sample solutions in the appendix
Programming Microsoft LINQ in .NET Framework 4
Published 10 years ago
by Paolo Pialorsi, Marco Russo, Microsoft Press
With LINQ, you can query data -- no matter what the source -- directly from Microsoft Visual Basic or C#. Guided by two data-access experts who've worked in depth with LINQ and the Microsoft development teams, you'll learn how Microsoft .NET Framework 4 implements LINQ, and how to exploit it. Study and adapt the book's examples, complete with code samples -- and deliver your own solutions faster and with leaner code. *Query data from databases, object collections, XML, and more with LINQ