MS Access Training & Events in Asia
Jun/2012 - Open Space - Singapore, Singapore
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Singapore
Agenda7:00pm - Drinks and food7:30pm - Open Space (topics will be created during the session)9:30pm - EndWe welcome contributions of drinks and snacks! =)What is Open Space?Open Space is a highly collaborative and self-organized meeting where the participants themselves create the agenda and make it happen on the spot. Some of the past topics includes:+ Git at Viki+ Pairing with QA+ Tips starting Scrum+ Agility through messaging, ZeroMQ
May/2012 - Open Space - Singapore, Singapore
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Singapore
See this thread to follow up.Agenda7:00pm - Drinks and food7:30pm - Open Jam (see following for topics)9:30pm - EndWe welcome contributions of drinks and snacks! =)Open Space potential topics+ [waiting...]Place and DirectionsBy Train: Exit F, Farrer Park MRTThis building is secured with a security door. Press #05-01 button beside the door on the ground floor so that we can unlock the access door for you to enter.
Jan/2012 - 3 Practices to Help Bootstrap Your Dev. & Agile is not Enough - Singapore, Singapore
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Singapore
This time we are going to try a new agenda! See this link for the background.Agenda7:00pm - Socializing7:30pm - See below for the 2 talks8:30pm - Open Jam9:30pm - EndFood and drinks are provided!Track: Development Practices & Craftsmanship3 Practices to Help Bootstrap Your Development by EdwardcherThis talk will try to give an introduction about Version Control, Unit Testing & Automation concepts.
Nov/2011 - How do you start using Scrum? by Stanly - Singapore, Singapore
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Singapore
Talk: How do you start using Scrum?In this talk, I'll introduce Scrum briefly and share some examples of how the adoption could be done and a few important things to take note in the early period. This is based from my experience in helping organizations adopting Scrum.Agenda7:00pm - Socializing7:30pm - Talk: How do you start using Scrum?8:30pm - Open Space9:30pm - EndFood and drinks are provided!Place and DirectionsBy Train: Exit F, Farrer Park MRT
Meetup 04/11 - What shall we do? - Singapore, Singapore
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Singapore
Hi all,I can help to host and organize this month's (and subsequent ones) meetup.I have created a discussion forum at facilitate our discussions better. If you have questions about Agile or something to share with the community, ask and contribute there! The discussions there can also be brought up as topics in our monthly meetup.Also, for the past year there are 2 sides of the same community in Singapore.
4th Coding Dojo (C#) - Singapore, Singapore
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Singapore
A coding dojo is a group programming exercise to learn things like test-driven development, evolutionary design, refactoring and etc.This event is free. We will have some take-away food from the neighborhood but please *do* bring some snacks and drinks. =)ThemeProgramming language: C#Kata: selecting...Agenda1000hrs -> Introduction to Coding Dojo and perhaps short introduction to TDD1020hrs -> Explaining the exercise1030hrs -> Start1300hrs -> Food
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