Mobile Training & Events in India
Birthday Celeberation for the month of July - New Delhi, India
happened 8 years ago
Organised by I am Happy Project - Ni Dilli, Indian
After the first successful birthday celeberation in connaught place, we are ready for the next one and hope to have this event as a regular monthly feature with all your support.2nd celeberation for birthday boys & girls of "Iam Happy Group"Date: sunday 29th JulyTime: 5 - 7.30 p.m.Venue: Bikanervala at Baba Kharak singh marg, above Rajiv gandhi handicraft; next to Capitol point, opp hanuman mandir.Metro: rajiv gandhi chowkContribution: Rs. 300/- p.h.
Discuss about new trends and opportunities in mobile (web, apps etc.) - Mumbai, India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Mumbai Web Design Meetup Group
Hello everyone,Lets touch base bout trends and opportunities in mobile, be it apps, products, mobile web or social.Look forward to seeing renewed activity beginning with the new year :)Do try to make it for this meetup..Suggestions are always welcome, feel free to reach me on [email protected] or Artone1 (twitter)Wishing everyone a happy new year 2012 in advance.Thanks,Warm RegardsAnirudh M K.Moderator.
a food walk at old delhi - , India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by I am Happy Project - Ni Dilli, Indian
calling out all HAPPY CHATorashow about having a food walk in the bylanes of old delhi.will start from chandni chowk metro stn and wrap it up @ chawri bazar metro stn. in between we will take a short rickshaw ride. i m planning to park my car at cp and take metro frm thr@ 11 am. those who wish to join me @ cp can do so.wud appreciate if some1 acquainted with old delhi becomes our tour guide and co organiser.tentative cost will be less than Rs. 300 p.hFOR CONFIRMATIONS pl.
Exebit 2011 - Chennai, India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by IIT Madras Computer Science Department
Hello and welcome to the third year of Exebit , the annual technical festival of the department of Computer Science, IIT Madras. The Computer Science & Engineering department of IIT Madras brings you, Exebit 2011, offering you a plethora of events ranging from hard-core programming contests, nerve-wracking puzzles and games to enriching workshops and presentations.
Flash Camp India - Chennai, India
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Society for Rich Internet Application and Rich User Interface
Yes, the first ever Flash Camp is coming to Chennai!In case you did not know about Flash Camp, please switch from the hibernate mode. Flash Camp is a vibrant event where passionate software developers, product designers, UI experts, Flash developers converge to learn, share & network.Did you know Flash Camps have been hosted at some of the famous cities like Brazil, Boston, New York, San Fransisco, Manchester, Amsterdam, Tokyo and now Chennai is joining the elite league.
June Ruby Meetup - Sessions on Android and Cucumber - New Delhi, India
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
June Ruby meetup has been confirmed for 19th (Saturday) at 11 AM. We are going to have 2 very interesting workshops in this meetupWorkshop : CucumberAbout : Cucumber is fast becoming the standard for acceptance testing in Rails. This workshop will introduce behavior-driven development with cucumber to developers, business analysts and testers.Workshop : Android 101
May Ruby Meetup - Up and Running with Rails 3 and iPhone Development - New Delhi, India
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
May Ruby meetup has been confirmed for 15th (Saturday) at 11 AM. We are going to have 2 very interesting workshops in this meetupWorkshop : iPhone 101Audience: The workshop is aimed at new developers and anyone interested in getting started with iPhone application development.
Forum Nokia Code Camp - Chennai, India
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Forum Nokia
Forum Nokia is organising Code Camp in Chennai on 27th Aug 09. Code Camp gives develpoers a chance to be part of the Code of Partnership initiative that would allow you to have a direct interface with the Forum Nokia technology experts and discover how you can use your mobile application skills.
meet up at dev summit - Bengaluru, India
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Bangalore LAMP Meetup Group
Participant who has been confirmed to attend Adobe dev summit through our meet up group will meet in the Lalit Ashok Bangalore. Today 4th Aug 2009(Tuesday) at 1.PM. Venue The Lalit Ashok Bangalore Kumara Krupa High Grounds, Bangalore - 560001, Karnataka, India Regards, Parun Organizer Mobile +919900562354
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