Web Services Podcasts
Parleys.com: WS-ReliableMessaging
In this session Paul Fremantle will cover how the OASIS Web Services Reliable Messaging standard allows Web services interactions and messages to be reliably delivered. WSRM is a new protocol that supports MQ or JMS like levels of reliable delivery on a completely open basis, with interoperabilit...
Parleys.com: XFire Web Services
Learn how to build, test and secure web services with XFire as well as some of the upcoming features including REST & JSON support.This talk seeks to give you the basic knowledge on how to get your self started writing web services with XFire. We'll cover: * How to build a web service *...
Parleys.com: Apache Tuscany - not the "same old architecture"
Do you think of SOA as the "Same Old Architecture"? The Apache Tuscany project moves SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) beyond buzzwords and vague arm-waving into reality. The project aims to create a next-generation services infrastructure in open source based on the principles behind...
Parleys.com: WS-BusinessActivity and WS-AtomicTransactions
Transactions are entering the web services platform in the form of "web service transactions". But are they really needed? This presentation will explore the relevant WS-* standards, why and when they can be useful, and also when to avoid them. In addition, the talk will discuss some (p...
Parleys.com: A Software Framework for Human Interactions
"Speaking of business processes, when humans are involved, it makes very little sense to have a centralized, computer-based system coordinating business processes on behalf of humans ..." "The Human in the Machine", ZapThink In this talk, Keith Harrison-Broninski will descri...
Parleys.com: ESBs in the Investment Banks
Most technologists in investment banking take ESBs to be hype; one big problem is its close ties to XML and Web Services. XML is not exactly the most efficient way to sent low-latency, high volume messages. Most Java programmers happily code in light-weight frameworks and often wonder what th...
Parleys.com: JSR-227 Standard Data Binding
Increasingly, enterprise applications model persistent datasources as Java classes and develop Business Services that query, manipulate, and persist these objects. However, developing interactive user interfaces that use Business Services to correctly manipulate the data objects requires unde...
Parleys.com: Real world web services with JAX-WS
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0 takes web services support in the Java platform to the next level. JAX-WS 2.0 expands support for web services development in Java EE 5 and Java SE significantly. By aligning with Binding (JAXB) 2.0, JAX-WS 2.0 provides complete support for document-...
Parleys.com: SOA sans SOAP
SOAP launched the Web services revolution, and the new generation of SOAP-based frameworks are finally delivering on the potential of SOAP extensions to support security, reliable messaging, transactions, and more - features that can be crucial to SOA. Yet an increasing number of developers a...
Parleys.com: REST - The Better Web Services Model
Web services are perceived as the ubiquitous solution to interoperable integration both within and across company boundaries. But despite their name, Web services don't build on the Web - on the contrary, to a large degree, they ignore the principles that have turned the Web into the world's ...
Parleys.com: Spring Web Services
Recently, there has been a shift in Web service development towards document-driven Web services. Rather than expose Java classes using RPC exporters, we are seeing Web services emerge which centralize around the Web service message. Spring Web services (Spring-WS) is a new product from the Sp...
Parleys.com: Ted Neward interview
In this services oriented interview with Ted Neward you'll get more info on Teds view of XML Services Vs Web Services within a possible generic container. Interesting about Ted is that he has a very comprehensive knowledge of both the C# and Java world. With that in...
Parleys.com: Web Services Architectures
Web services are the building blocks of modern Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs). When used properly, they offer excellent interoperability for an ever-increasing range of enterprise requirements. But before you can achieve the benefits you have to navigate the hazards, starting with basic ch...
.NET Rocks: Catching up with Pablo Castro
Pablo Castro brings us up to date on ADO.NET Data Services, offline data, REST services, cloud computing, and more.
Java Posse: Steve Harris of Oracle Interview
Oracle at Java InterviewFully formatted shownotes can always be found at http://javaposse.comAn interview with Steve Harris - Senior VP of Application Server Development at OracleJava VM in the Oracle Databasehttp://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/java/jsp/index.html http://download.oracle.com/doc...
Stack Overflow Podcast: Stack Overflow: Podcast #50
This is the 50th episode of the StackOverflow podcast, where Joel and Jeff sit down with Steve Yegge of Google and the most excellent Stevey's Blog Rants. This episode was recorded on site at the Kirkland, Washington Google office, where Joel gave a talk earlier in the day. A b...
CodeCast: REST and jQuery
CodeCast Episode 11: REST and jQueryIn this episode of CodeCast, Markus Egger has two in-depth discussions with Rick Strahl, one on REST and the other on jQuery. Topics · REST (@ 0:27) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer · jQuery (@ 11:26) – http://j...
.NET Rocks: Catching up with Pablo Castro
Pablo Castro brings us up to date on ADO.NET Data Services, offline data, REST services, cloud computing, and more.
Devcasting: Amazon Web Services
In this episode, Derek Hatchard and Mike Mullen discuss Amazon Web Services including EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), S3 (Simple Storage Solution), and more. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Home Page EC2 Getting Started Guide S3 Getting Started Guide Amazon Web Services Developer Site TalkCrunch Intervie...
endpoint.tv: Processing Message Content using HttpClient class
In this short video, CSD MVP Aaron Skonnard from PluralSight guides the viewer through different techniques for processing messages using the new HttpClient class that ships with the new WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2. In this screencast, Aaron builds on the simple Twitter command shell applicat...
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