dbgrid problem

databases Greece
  • 18 years ago

    Well, i have a little problem with the dbgrid control... Actually it works almost perfect exept from a problem that it has. It is not sychronized with the database and the table that is connected with. For example the hilighted record it is not the current record of the data (control).

    For example:

    data1.recordsource.fields("Artist").value does not return the Artist name of the hilighted record from the dbgrid.

    I found out that the value that returns is actually the previous hilighted record...

    The problem is that in this way i am not able to find out which record did the user select. Until now the user has to click 2 or more times in the same record so that the current highlighted record be the same with the previous highlighted record and get the correct result...

    Does anybody have any idea about how to overcome this problem?

    Thank you very much on advance...

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