i still don't know what you are talking about when you say 'Dengu', sorry
Yes that is what i was asking, the field value because it is an AutoNumber field
I have the following code but i get an error
Code:Line28|Set objMovie = objConn.Execute ("INSERT INTO movies_movies (catid,title,author,[date],comments,width,height) VALUES (" & oFileUp.Form("catid") & ",'" & oFileUp.Form("title") & "'," & Session("id") & ",#" & Date & "#,'" & oFileUp.Form("comments") & "'," & oFileUp.Form("width") & "," & oFileUp.Form("height") & ")")
Line29|Response.Write objMovie.Fields("id").Value
Quote:Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1)
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/stickkiller/movieupload.asp, line 29
Thanks for your help, i do have another question but i will ask you after this one.
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