Access + SQL vs Access

sql server United States
  • 17 years ago

    I currently have a billing platform develop entirely on Access 2000. The data is stored in 4 different Access 2000 databases which are accessed through Access form from another Access 2000 database. This is slow as hell. So I would like to migrate to a faster, better and more stable product like SQL server. All my data would be transfered to a SQL server along with my queries but I'm still doing some research for the forms & reports. I can probably keep my forms and reports in Access 2000 but I'm wondering if the migration of data to SQL server would upgrade the performance of my platform?

    So in other words, who is faster, stronger, better and more stable ?
    A) Access 2000
    B) Access 2000 interface (forms and reports) with a SQL Server (for data)
    C) Visual Basic interface (forms and reports) with a SQL Server (for data)
    D) something else...


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