Email program

sql server United States
  • 17 years ago

    This is a tough one!
    What we want to do here is to implement an accident program.
    An accident happens, the individual involved in the accident calls our hotline to report the accident; accident info is logged into our system.
    Upon hitting the submit button, an email is sent to 3 different people:
    the supervisor of the employee involved in the accident, the safety officer and the deputy.
    Each, beginning with the supervisor has 24 hours to complete a certain form.
    So supervisor has 24 hours.
    As soon as he forwards the form to safety officer, safety officer has 24 hours.
    Once it is forwarded to deputy, he has 24 hours to approve form and submit to risk management.
    I am trying to come up the a logic that can tell when one individual has completed his form and when it is time for the other to complete his.
    Basically, my email will say to the supervisor, you have 24 hours to complete your form.
    My code will recognize that he has completed his form and that safety now has it and has 24 hours and so on.
    Each will be giving reminders before his/her 24 hours elapses and will continue to receive reminders until he/she completes his form.
    Can someone please give me ideas that will help me with this?
    I have done a lot of work on this already.
    For instance, I have supervisor as lastactionrequired = 1;
    safetyofficer = lastactionRequired= 2
    deputy = lastActionRequired=3.
    Then I have Last
    Action_Taken which is a date field that tells when one task is completed.
    My biggest problem right now is coming up with the logic that recognizes when one task by supervisor begins and ends and when the next one begins and ends and so on.
    This way, I can set up my email to send mails and reminders to these folks.
    Please any ideas is greatly appreciated as I am stumped on this and I have a week to complete this and deliver it.
    thanks in advance

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