Frames in axWebBrowser control

csharp Sweden
  • 17 years ago


    I would appreciate very much if you could explain about frames.
    If you inherit from (i think) SHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2 then there is an function called DocumentComplete witch get all frames in the control. Each time this function is called one frame is catched in the function argument until all frames are done. Well that for me was uncertain yesterday when I had problem with a website. I could not get the frame displayed in front of me. Then I found out that the frame in axWebBrowser control was not loaded in DocumentComplete and I had to add that to my array of frames. So could somebody explain if I had it all wrong thinking that 'ALL' documents or frames was grabbed in DocumentComplete.
    Also is axWebBrowser.Document included or excluded in ((IHTMLDocument2)el).frames.length count ?

    Sorry if you get the fealing that the text is written by an irritaded programmer. Well I can't help myself. Please write something encouraging.

    Yours sincerely

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