I have a few more questions. Is there any performance difference between the following statements? The Join and a table reference.
Code:SELECT * FROM forumtopics
INNER JOIN members ON forumtopics.postedby = members.memberid
WHERE forumtopics.boardid = 1
ORDER BY forumtopics.topicid DESC
Code:SELECT * FROM forumtopics, members
WHERE forumtopics.postedby=members.memberid
AND forumtopics.boardid=1
ORDER BY forumtopics.topicid DESC
Also is the a way to map/join three tables together? I tried doing this:
Code:SELECT * FROM forumtopics, members, forumposts
WHERE forumtopics.postedby=members.memberid
AND forumtopics.postedby=forumposts.postedby
AND forumtopics.boardid = 1
ORDER BY forum_topics.topicid DESC
Table Name Primary Key Reference/Join Column
forumtopics topicid topicid
forumposts postid topicid
members memberid memberid
If you cannot understand what i am trying to ask for then i will explain it in more detail
Thanks for all your help
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