
access United States
  • 19 years ago

    is thereanyway to repair a corrupt file?

  • 19 years ago

    You can try the compact and repair command in access (or in DAO)

  • 19 years ago

    In case the option to repair isn't available (most likely when the file is corrupt because then you won't be able to open the database at all), try to open a new database and just link to the tables in the damaged file.

    This worked for me quite a lot of times in the past with Access 2.0 and '95. I haven't had any need trying this in '97 and 2000 since now I'm the proud owner of a computer running 24/7 without any crashes for 3 years time now :-)   (considering I'm running a Microsoft OS, not a bad at all, isn't it?)

  • 19 years ago


    I'm currently working as a full time technical support/programmer for a software company Canada and USA wide and yes it does happen with Access 97 too.

    Sometimes, if the main indexes of the tables/queries/forms/etc are affected and corrupted, you can't open the file to repair it... and you can't repair it period! Even when using a direct repair from Access (Tools/Database Utitilies/Repair Database) or with VBA code....

    We found out that the only to recover the data is to access them through another Access Application (which is the part of the software that is running on all customer stations) and then open the tables from there.

    It seems like that even if you can't 'READ' the indexes... if there is a file that is already linked to those tables, you will be able to access through them.

    So anyway... to make it a short story, we were able to recover everything by doing some "INSERT INTO tblNameCorrupted (*) SELECT * FROM tblName" and move everything to an empty database with the same structure.


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