Multiple columns for datalist/datacombo

databases United States
  • 19 years ago

    I don't know if I'm losing it or what but how do I create multiple columns in a datacombo or datalist like in Access where I can populate each column with a different field.  For example I receive from a query a list of two fields , ID and Name .  I want both to show up in the list and I want the controls to be bounded by let say ID.  How do I do that?

  • 19 years ago

    use calculated field in your select statement.

    select (ID & NAME) as IDNAME from table

  • 19 years ago

    I never thought of that thanks


  • 19 years ago

    if you create a calculated field, be sure you make all fields the same length, otherwise you get an ugly combo or data list.
    To have a combo like Access you need to use API to get the same result,
    an it is quite difficult.

    I had a piece of code, if the other solution doesn't fit, i'll look for it in my repository. let me know

  • 19 years ago

    i have a combo box that act's like an access combo box.
    do you want it?

    [email protected]

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