List Box Data

databases Canada
  • 19 years ago

    Hello All,
    I am just begging to use VB6 and am having trouble with something
    I have a multi line database field which comes out fine in a text box but I need to use one number on the list.
    i have tried list boxes and it always comes out with the line separators in the text as apposed to each line being it's own list item

    thank in advance

  • 19 years ago


    If you want to show multiline text, never use a listbox, since that control is only for displaying multiple records or options, not for texts.

    In case you'd like to use a part of the data in your textbox in another field, try string handling functions like Left(string,n) or Right(string,n) or another...

    In case you have the number you'd like to use in a seperate field and would like to add it to the textbox's text, use the & operator.

    Hope this helped, if not please describe what you would like to do a little more specific...



  • 19 years ago

    is there any way to select one line in a multiline text box

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