Website re-vamp critique - Please

css Australia
  • 15 years ago

    I am new here so am not sure if this is the correct forum to post this subject on?

    As a technical writer I was commissioned to re-vamp a technical website the owner was dissatisfied with. The site content had been written by someone who obviously knew little about the industry in question and even less about search engine optimisation, meta tags and key words. It was virtually invisible to search engines.

    We re-wrote the whole content and set up SEO for the site.

    I can't display the shots I have of the site before our revamp for copywrite reasons but I invite you to look at the owners comments at:

    and the revised Terra Expro site at:  

    I believe there is a huge market out there for re-vamping poorly written or constructed sites as well as new site setup.

    Your critique and advice is appreciated,

    Regards, Ron

    PS: As you can see- I am having problems inserting my URL's as links and can't preview before posting - sorry for the shoddy look!

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