Access Database

access United States
  • 19 years ago

    I have a table with one fields as Email which has datatype hyperlink. It is populated with email addresses. Periodically I get a brochure that I have to email it to everybody in the table. I want to automate this task of sending bulk email with a dialogue box. Let me give real life example. Like CNN has for breaking news subscription. You submit your email and you get breakings whenever ther is one. If I use my mail client contact address book to do this, every single piece of email will have all the email addresses and I do not want that. Can any one help. This a school project.

  • 19 years ago

    you could use you're email client, but instead of putting all the address into the [to] or [cc] fields, put them in the [bcc] (blind carbon copy), that way the recipent only sees their own address and no-one elses.  

    You may also need to send it to your own dummy address in orde to get something into the To field, so your client doesn't spit it back at you.

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