Problem in inserting values in table through form

csharp Palau
  • 14 years ago


    I am facing problem in this piece of code.

    Actually this is the coding of a form which is used to add new book in database.These fields are going to add in the book table.

    like BOOK ID , BOOK TITLE , AUTHOR NAME nad so on

    But whenever I run this code .It gives error on line cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

    There are two possible reasons for this error  thet either my connection string is wrong or my Insert query is wrong.

    But  with the same conn string I ve run other forms and it didnt give any error.

    And i ve also checked my insert query in SQL. It ran perfectly alright.

    Please help me out in finding out error ion this code.



    void btnAddBook_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


    string strBookId=txtBookId.Text;

    string strTitle =txtBookTitle.Text;

    string strAuthor_Id1=txtAuthorId1.Text;

    string strAuthor_Id2=txtAuthorId2.Text;

    string strEdition=txtBookEdition.Text;

    string strCategory=txtBookCategory.Text;

    string strQuery = "Insert into BOOK values("+ strBookId + ", '" + strTitle + "' ," + strAuthor_Id1 + " , "+ strAuthor_Id2 + " ,' "+strEdition +" ' , ' "+strCategory+ " ') ";

    OleDbConnection conn =

    new OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=LMS;Data Source=abs");


    OleDbCommand cmd =

    new OleDbCommand(strQuery,conn);

    ERROR=============>   cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();




    waiting for your reply


  • 14 years ago

    did you try INSERT INTO book (bookid,strtitle...) VALUES (...)
    hope it helps Embarrassed [:$]

  • 14 years ago

    anyway, I am using ExecuteReader for all types of command

  • 14 years ago


    will you please tell me what is Execute Reader?

    Thanks for reply

  • 14 years ago

    Hi aleeza,

    The code & insert query  you wrote both are correct,Once check ur database fields type and the type of  data you are inserting in to database as well as if u r passing any null values in it

  • 14 years ago

    The problem in insert statement, it should have both destination column and value.  The general structure is as below.

                          (col(1)Name, col(2)Name... col(N)Name)
    VALUES      (col(1)Value,col(2)Value,...  col(N)Value).

    Ex: Let us suppose that we have Table Book with the following fields
    Table_Book(Book_Id, Book_ISBN, Book_Auth),

    ur statement should be :

    VALUES      (123,12,'Mike')

    The rest of ur code looks fine for me. I hope that I solved ur problem

  • 14 years ago

    Hi ,

    Thanks a lot to all of you , who have given reply to my problem.

    My problem is no more a problem now.

    Thanks once again.

  • 14 years ago
    ExecuteReader is query execution if you want to read returned data e.g. on SELECT ..
    here sample

     1    Private Sub Execute(ByVal query As String)
     2      If Not Connected Then Exit Sub
     3      SBButtons.Text = "Executing command"
     4      Dim i, x, y, Rownum, ColCount As Integer, item As String
     5      Rownum = 0
     6      For i = 0 To 100
     7        MaxSize(i) = 0
     8      Next
    10      On Error GoTo Err
    11 Dim Command As New Odbc.OdbcCommand(query, Connection) 12 Dim fdRead As Odbc.OdbcDataReader = Command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) 13 14 DataTable.Rows.Clear() 15 DataTable.Columns.Clear() 16 17 ColCount = fdRead.FieldCount
    18 If ColCount > 0 Then 19 If ColCount > cols Then 20 cols = ColCount
    21 End If 22 If fdRead.RecordsAffected > rows Then 23 rows = fdRead.RecordsAffected
    24 End If 25 ReDim Table(cols, rows) 26 27 'Adding columns in exact count to datagrid 28 For x = 0 To ColCount - 1 29 DataTable.Columns.Add("Column" & Trim(Str(x)), "") 30 Next 31 32 'Reading query returned values to field and counting lines 33 While fdRead.Read
    34 Rownum += 1 35 For x = 0 To ColCount - 1 36 Table(x, Rownum - 1) = fdRead.GetValue(x).ToString
    37 Next 38 End While 39 40 'Adding rows to datagrid 41 For y = 0 To Rownum
    42 DataTable.Rows.Add() 43 Next 44 45 'Naming of columns 46 For x = 0 To ColCount - 1 47 DataTable.Columns.Item(x).HeaderText = fdRead.GetName(x) 48 Next 49 50 'Filling cells with values from field 51 For y = 0 To Rownum
    52 For x = 0 To ColCount - 1 53 item = Table(x, y) 54 DataTable.Rows.Item(y).Cells.Item(x).Value = item 55 If Len(item) > MaxSize(x) Then MaxSize(x) = Len(item) 56 Next 57 Next 58 59 'Setting autosize 60 For x = 0 To ColCount - 1 61 If MaxSize(x) < 50 Then DataTable.Columns.Item(x).AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells
    62 DataTable.Columns.Item(x).Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.True 63 Next 64 End If 65 SBButtons.Text = "Command executed: " & fdRead.RecordsAffected & " rows affected" 66 Exit Sub 67 Err:
    68 MsgBox(Err.Description, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "ERROR executing query - My MySql Browser ERROR") 69 If Not Connection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then Call Reconnect() 70 End Sub

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