regarding tables

access India
  • 14 years ago

    hi everybody,

                          i had developed one web application using  This application is  developed for posting the request to higher authority which will work in intranet. iam displaying the information about the request to the user by using table. here iam facing one problem. i.e  if the request has rejected five times means i want 2 show  every rejected dates. i had done this things. my task is past dates wants 2 disable and current date wants 2 highlight.



    request no | request| 12\05\2002 ------ highlight or enable

                                   06\07\2003  ---- wants 2 disable

                                    04\09\2003  ---- wants 2 diable


    request no|request| 12\02\2005


     can anyone give me idea to proceed



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