Would recently updated records be quicker to access?

sql server United Kingdom
  • 14 years ago

    On wednesday night I updated 50K records in our database which took 7.5 Hours (its a cursor based update script which I think is a bit slow).
    On Thursday night I updated 70K records using the same update script and it took 4.5 Hours.
    I am worried that it took less time - I've analysed the data and it appears to updated.

    Note: 50K's worth of Thursdays 70K were the exact 50K from Wednesday night.
    Could it be that because these 50K records had been re-written on the databse the night before that they were more accessible on the disk and so processed quicker?
    .. or am I baking up completely the wrong tree?

    Any help would be gratefully recieved with interest.


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