Help with ActiveX

  • 14 years ago

    I've been working on a pet project lately. Basically it's a point-of-sale program written in PHP (just for practice/my portfolio). I've got pretty much everything planned out, but I can't start programming until I figure out ActiveX. There is a great standard for point-of-sale developers called OPOS and they provide a big set of ActiveX controls for use in the form of ocx files. I'm pretty sure I know how to use the controls once they're downloaded and installed from one of my pages, but what I'm having trouble figuring out is how to get the ocx files into a cab file with an inf so that it will install the ocx files to the client computer when a page is viewed. There are about 3 different ocx files and I need them all installed (for controlling things such as the cash drawer, the display for customers, etc.) I can barely find any useful support online for how to create the cab file(s) and inf file(s) I need in order to do this and nothing has worked out so far.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)

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