Creating a Word Document from Access and then closing Word

  • 14 years ago

    This is what I'm trying to do -

    Open a Word doc from Access (event of a command button). This opens a .dot Word template file, which the user then goes on to edit and ideally, when coming to Save it, the file will have automatically switched to a .doc file, which is what happens normally in Word. However, when opening the Word file from Access, the file does not automatically change to a .doc file, as if Access still has some hold over the file. The code I used to open the Word doc is below:

    Sub OpenWordDoc(strDocName As String)
    Dim objApp As Object

    'Opens the document

    Set objApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    objApp.Visible = True
    objApp.Documents.Open strDocName
    End Sub

    Call OpenWordDoc([filename])

    Another problem is that if I try to close the Word program that has been opened via Access, I got an error message saying something like:

    'File still in use by another program....'

    I temporarily resolved this by deleting the file, but I suspect the problem will re-emerge if not dealt with in another way!

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Edit/Delete Message

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